
Friday, March 8, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Twenty

This is way worse than the obstacle course, thought sluggishness.And create a house away of newspaper. And the fire passing game.This is definitely the worst p conductge out allow yet.He twisted the toothbrush in his present to real y get into the flyspeck quoin running along the bottom of the dose on the Vitale Societys pledge style wal s. The toothbrush came out tenebrious with ancient dirt and dangling cobwebs, and plane grimaced in disgust. His back was already in the raw from hunching over.Hows it going, soldier? Chloe asked, squatting d hold next to him, a go d receive sponger in one hand.Honestly, Im not sure how scrubbing out this room is going to help us develop honor and leadership and al the stuff Ethan keeps talking or so, matting utter. I think this might simply be a way to save a couple of bucks on a cleaning service.Well, they say cleanliness is next to godliness, she reminded him. Chloe laughed. He real y desi chromatic her laugh. It was sort of b ubbly and silvery.Internal y, he gave himself a minuscular eye rol . Bubbly and silvery. She had a nice laugh, was al he meant.Theyd been consumption a lot of time together since Christophers oddment. insipid had felt ilk nothing could be as bad as living with al of Christophers stuff when Christopher himself was gone, besides then Chriss parents came and packed it up, gently patting planeness on the back as if he deserved approximately kind of liberality when they had lost their only son. And with just empty space where Christophers things had been, everything was a geographical mile ion times worse.Meredith, average, and Elena had tried to comfort him.They wanted so badly for him to be okay once more that hed felt guilty he wasnt, making it harder for him to be nearly them.Chloe had taken to coming by the room, hanging out with him or getting him to come to the cafeteria or wherever with her, keeping him in correspond with the world when he felt like locking himself a way. There was something so easy about her. Elena, the only girl hed ever loved originally now, part of him whispered was much more than be start out to be around.Inside, he flinched at his own disloyalty to Elena, alone it was true.Now he was starting to agitate up and take an interest in things again. And he kept noticing with odorous surprise the cute dimple Chloe had in her right cheek, or how glassed her curly dark hair was, or how graceful and pretty her transfer were despite the fact that they were often stained with paint.So far, though, they were just friends. perchance maybe it was time to change that.Chloe analyzeped her fingers in front of his locution, and compressed realize he had been staring at her. You al right, buddy? she asked, a secondary frown wrinkling her forehead, and Matt had to restrain himself from kissing her right then.Yeah, just place out, he tell, consentient steping a flush creep over his cheeks. He was smiling like a goof, he kn ew.Want to help with these wal s?Sure, why not? Chloe answered. Il soap tear the wal part, and you keep doing whatever youre doing on that point with that little toothbrush.They worked companionably together for a while, Chloe now and then accidental y-on-purpose dripping soapy water onto the top of Matts head.As they worked further along the paneling, the time out on a lower floor the baseboard got deeper, until it was not so much a niche as a gap. Matt slid the toothbrush under uninfectedh to scrub man, but it got grimy down thither and felt something shift.Theres something under here, he told Chloe, crush his hand flat against the floor and working his fingers into the gap. He slid his hands and the toothbrush around, trying to shimmy whatever was down there toward them, but he couldnt quite get a grip on it.Look, express Chloe slowr a moment, I think the paneling might slide up here. She wiggled the section of wood until it gave a raucous screech and she was able to wo rk it up.Huh, she said, puzzled. Wow, its like a transcendental compartment. Seems like it hasnt been opened for a while, though. at once she managed to ease the paneling up, they could see the space behind it was smal , only a foot or so in height and width and a few inches deep. It was ful of cobwebs. Inside was something rectangular, wrapped in a cloth that had plausibly once been white but was now gray with dust.Its a book, Matt said, picking it up. The grime on the outside of the cloth was thick and kookie and came away on his hands. Unwrapping it, he found the book inside was clean.Wow, Chloe said softly.It looked old, real y old. The cover was flaking dark leather, and the edges of the pages were rough as if theyd been hand cut instead of by a machine. Tilting the book a little, Matt could see the remains of gilt that must have once been the title, but it was worn away now.Matt opened it to the middle. Inside, it was handwritten, black ink inscribing neat strong strokes. A nd total y indecipherable.I think its Latin. by chance? said Matt. Do you know Latin at al ?Chloe shook her head. Matt flipped back to the first page, and one word popped out at him. Vitale. maybe its a history of the Vitale Society, Chloe said.Or ancient secrets of the founders. Cool We should give it to Ethan.Yeah, sure, Matt said, distracted. He turned a few more pages, and the ink changed from black to a dark brown. It looks like dried blood, he thought, and shuddered, then pushed the pictorial matter away. It was just some kind of old ink, faded brown with time. single word he recognized, written three no, four times on the page Mort. That meant death, didnt it? Matt traced the word with his finger, frowning. Creepy.Il show it to Ethan, Chloe said, jumping up and victorious the book from him. She crossed the room and interrupted Ethans conversation with an another(prenominal) girl. From the other side of the room, Matt watched Ethans face break into a slow smiling as he t ook the book.After a few minutes, Chloe returned, grinning. Ethan was real y excited, she said. He said hel tel us al about it after he gets someone to translate the book. Matt nodded. Thats terrific, he said, push the last of his inquietude away. This was Chloe, lively, laughing Chloe, and he would try not to think about death or blood or any(prenominal)thing morbid around her. Hey, he said, pushing away the dark thoughts, foc exploitation on the golden highlights in her dark hair. Are you going to the fellowship at McAl ister House tonight?Maybe not pulled back, Elena thought, looking critical y at herself in the mirror. She tugged the barrette out of her hair and let her golden locks tumble, sleek and flat-ironed, down around her shoulders. untold better.She looked veracious, she noted, running her eyes dispassionately over her reflection. Her strappy short black change accentuated her rose-petal skin and pale hair, and her dark blue eyes seemed huge.Without Stefan, though , what did it matter how she looked?She watched her own mouth tighten in the mirror as she pushed the thought away. notwithstanding much she missed the feeling of Stefans hand in hers, his lips on hers, but much she wanted to be with him, it was impossible for now.She couldnt be Katherine. And her pride wouldnt let her just mope around, either. Its not forever, she told herself grimly. average came up and threw her arm around Elenas shoulders, regarding them both in the mirror. We clean up nice, dont we? she asked cheerful y. Ready to go?You do look amazing, Elena said, looking at Bonnie with affection. The shorter girl was mulish y glowing with excitement eyes sparkling, smile bright, cheeks flushed, mane of red hair flying out seemingly with a life of its own and her short blue dress and strappy high-heeled shoes were adorable. Bonnies smile got bigger.Lets get going, Meredith said, al business. She was sleek and practical in jeans and a soft fitted gray garb that matched he r eyes. It was hard to know what Meredith was thinking, but Elena had overheard her murmuring to Alaric on the phone late at night. She figured that Meredith, at heart, might not be into the party either.Outside, people walked quickly in large, silent groups, glancing around nervously as they went. No one lingered, no one was alone.Meredith stopped midstride and stiffened, suddenly informed of a potential threat. Elena fol owed her gaze. She was wrong one person lingered alone. Damon was sitting on a bench outside their dorm, his face tipped toward the sky as if he was basking in the sun despite the darkness of the stock-stilling.What do you want, Damon? Meredith said, warily. Her vocalise wasnt actual y rude theyd gotten past that, working together this summer but it wasnt friendly, and Elena could feel her bristling beside her.Elena, of course, Damon said lazily, rising and smoothly fetching Elenas arm.Bonnie looked back and forth between them, puzzled. I thought you werent going to throw time with either of them for a while, she said to Elena.Damon spoke quietly into Elenas ear. Its about the Vitale Society. Ive got a lead.Elena hesitated. She hadnt told her friends about the hints she and Damon had found that the Vitale Society might be more than a myth, or that they might be connected to her parents in some way. There wasnt real y anything much to go on yet, and she didnt feel quite ready to talk about the possibility that her parents might have been mixed up in some kind of dark secret or how she felt, seeing the images of them when they were young.Making up her mind, she turned to Meredith and Bonnie. Ive got to go with Damon for a minute. Its important. Il explain it to you guys later. See you at the party in a little bit.Meredith frowned but nodded, and she steered Bonnie toward McAl ister House. As they went, Elena could hear Bonnie saying, But wasnt the whole point Keeping his hand tucked firmly under Elenas arm, Damon led her in the opposit e direction. Where are we going? she asked, feeling too advised of the softness of Damons skin and the strength of his grip.I saw a girl wearing one of those pins from the photo, Damon answered. I fol owed her to the library, but once she got inside, she just disappeared. I looked everywhere for her. Then, an hour later, she came out the library doors again. Remember when I said we needed to look for answers somewhere other than the library? He smiled. I was wrong. Theres something going on in there.Maybe you just didnt see her? Elena wondered aloud.Its a big library, she could have been tucked away in a withdraw carrel or something.I would have found her, Damon said briefly. Im good at finding people. His teeth shone white for a moment under the streetlights.The problem was that the library was so normal. Once they were inside, Elena looked around at the gray-carpeted floors, the beige chairs, the rows and rows of bookshelves, the buzzing fluorescent lights. It was a place to ca se. It didnt look like any secrets were hidden here.Upstairs? she suggested.They took the stairs rather than the elevator and worked their way down from the top floor. Going from floor to floor, they found nothing. People reading and taking notes.Books, books, and more books. In the basement, there was a room of trade machines and smal tables for study breaks. Nothing unexpected.Elena paused in a hal way of administrative offices near the vending machine. Were not going to find anything, she told Damon. His face twisted in frustration, and she added, I believe you that theres something going on here, I do, but without any leads, we dont even know what were looking for yet.The door behind her, marked Research Office, opened, and Matt came out.He looked tired, and Elena felt a quick flash of guilt.After Christophers death, she and Meredith and Bonnie had meant to stick close to Matt. But he was always busy with footbal or class and didnt seem to want them around.She realized with a shock that she hadnt talked to him in days.Oh, hey, Elena, Matt said, looking startled. Are you going to the party tonight? He greeted Damon with an awkward nod.Mutt, Damon acknowledged, giving a half smile, and Matt rol ed his eyes.As they chatted about the party and classes and Bonnies new semiboyfriend, Elena cataloged her impressions of Matt. Tired, yes his eyes were a little bloodshot, and there was grimness to his lips that hadnt been there a few weeks ago. But why did he smel so strongly of soap? It wasnt like he was particularly clean, she thought, inspecting a grubby trail tracing down Matts cheek to his neck. It looked like something had been dripped on his head. It was almost like he had been cleaning something. Something real y dirty. stricken by a new thought, she glanced at his chest.Surely he wouldnt be wearing one of the V pins? As if aware of what she was wondering, Matt pul ed his jacket more tightly around him.What were you doing in that office? she asked him abr uptly.Uh. Matts face was blank for half a second, and then he glanced up at the door, at the sign saying Research Office. Research, of course, he said. Ive got to go, he added. Il suffer you at the party later, okay, Elena? He had half turned away, when Elena impulsively draw up out her hand to catch his arm. Where have you been, Matt? she asked. Ive hardly seen you lately. Matt grinned, but he didnt quite meet her eyes.Footbal , he said. Col ege bal s a big deal. He gently pul ed away from her restraining hand. Later, Elena. Damon.They watched him walk away, and then Damon nodded toward the door Matt had come out of. Shal we? he said.Shal we what? Elena asked, puzzled.Oh, like that wasnt suspicious, Damon said. He put his hand on the knob, and Elena heard the lock snap as he forced it open.Inside was a very long-winded room. A desk, a chair, a smal rug on the floor.Maybe a little too boring?A research office without books? Or even a computer? Elena asked. Damon cocked his head t o one side, considering, then, with a swift movement, pul ed aside the rug.Below it was the clear outline of a trapdoor. Bingo, Elena breathed. She stepped forward, already bending down to try and pry it open, but Damon pul ed her back.Whoever is using this could stil be down there, he said. Matt just left, and I inquiry he was alone. Matt. Whatever was going on, Matt knew about it.Maybe I should talk to him, Elena said.Damon frowned. Lets wait until we know what were dealing with, he said. We dont know what Matts interest is. This could be perilous for you. He had taken hold of her arm again and was pul ing her gently, steadily out of the room. Wel come back later. Elena let him lead her away, grapple with what hed said. Dangerous? she thought. Surely Matt wouldnt be doing anything that would be a danger to Elena?

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