Thursday, March 7, 2019
Functions of the Family Essay
Over the years, the textbook definition of the family has disappeargond. E authentically(prenominal) family is unique and has its own dynamic and for the most mathematical function, ships company has learned to adapt to these changes. From homosexual couples, to dual income families or plane case-by-case get ups, families have learned to survive based on their unique situations, as opposed to the functionalist idea of the ideal family which involves heterosexual parents and infantren, who through proper acculturation and acceptance of social norms, work to meet the needs of society (Functionalist). Although to all(prenominal) unrivalled family is different, there are six functions of the family that work together to keep each society functioning. Each one of these functions plays an important role in each household and works to keep Canada a self-colored country (Hollo fashion & Witte, 2010, p. 8). plan of attack from a single parent home, my family has always battled t he stereotype that single parents stinker non software documentation their children. Just like sociologist Marrissa Hick says in her article The Single refer Battle on Stereotypes, this is not always the case. Single parents can be just as capable of caring and providing for their families as dual parent households (Hick, 2014, p. 1), and I am living proof of this. My dad has raised me as well as my two separate sisters and we have never had to hassle about our economic situation. Just like most other families, we successfully take on the sixth function of a family by do the economic function of producing and consuming goods and services (Holloway & Witte, 2010, p. 9).For a family of four including one man, and three teenage girls, grocery shopping is a mandatory part of our weekly schedule. By grocery shopping, we are not only construct the economy and yielding the government through taxes, we are overly support business owners make money and continue to sustain their wo rk. Without families like ours eer providing for these businesses, many of them would fail and the government would not be as strong since not as much money would be coming in from businesses. My dad is not but a single parent, he is also a Doctor, and his income helps provide for our family as well as provide support to families in need of his services. The family is both the fundamental unit of society as well as a major source of a countries economic success, which is why my families role is a very important one.People do not always understand the fragility of afirst impression, so we often take them for granted. We refuse to acknowledge the fact that these impressions have the index to gravely shape a relationship or precede us wherever we go. It is for these reasons that I believe that the third function of a family socialising children, is one of the most important ones (Holloway & Witte, 2010, p. 8). In his book Key Ideas in Sociology, Martin Slattery talks about anti-soc ial behavior, as behavior that threatens the values and norms of society. This behavior can lead to acts of discrimination, crime or deviance of any kind (Slattery, 2003, p. 134). maturation up with an African father, I learnt very young that none of these behaviors would be accepted, so I was socialized in straddle to act in an appropriate manner no matter where I was or whom I was with, which made me a very adaptable soul.This function relates heavily to the justness enforcement system in Canada since several anti-social behaviors often lead to criminal acts. roughly Common examples of anti-social behavior are excessive noise and nuisance behavior, cosmos drunk or rowdy in public places, vandalism, graffiti and other damage to property and leaving rubbish or litter deception around. An ASBO is a court order, which can be made on anyone decrepit 10 or older who has acted in an anti-social manner. An ASBO is a civil order, not a criminal penalty, which means that it wont app ear on a persons criminal record. However, breaking the terms of an ASBO is a criminal offense, which could mean a fine or a prison sentence of up to five years (Anti-social behavior). When families properly socialize their children, all of this trouble can be avoided thus keeping the child as well as people around them safe.My parents started having children very in brief after their marriage since as very religious people, facts of life is very important to both of them. This is why they see the first function of a family reproduction, as the most important role. As I have proceed to grow, I too have begun to see the great value of this function. Having children is no longer the economic necessity it used to be children arent requisite to work to support their families, or needed as soldiers or even created just so families can fight the high child mortality rate rates (Holloway & Witte, 2010, pp. 11-12). Children no longer have such rendering responsibilities and are often born simply to bring happiness to a person or persons.Although this may be so, for several institutions in Canada, having children is still very beneficial. According to a functionalist, thefunction of the family is to ensure the progression of society by reproducing and socializing new members (Functionalism). Population growth promotes a wealthier economy as well. Children are consumers of goods and services which helps make money for businesses and the government. Children are also a very important part of the education system, since without children many school systems would not be necessary. My dad always tells me that children are our future, without children there would be no possibility of a future for Canada.Many religions also value children, so they also see this function as very important. For example, in Islam, a woman is meant to be married and bear children as part of her barter in life, sex is not for pleasure it is only to ensure that procreation is possible. It is believed that the strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home. This belief is the reason that the way a family functions is so important families are needed in order for a society to thrive. A country can only truly be successful when each family, no matter the dynamic is functional hard to properly perform their function. Whether it is by supporting, businesses, the government, and education systems or simply adhering to religious customs, family functions work with other institutions to maintain balance and success at bottom a society.Reference ListAnti-social behaviour. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2014, from http// (2011, May 6). Retrieved September 13, 2014, from http//, M., & Holloway, G. (2010). Individuals and families various(a) perspectives. Toronto McGraw-Hill Ryerson.Slattery, M. (2003). Key ideas in sociology. Cheltenham Nelson Thornes.
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