
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Exploring Of The Gospel Of John Religion Essay

Exploring Of The creed Of John Religion EssayThe religious doctrine of John is unique among the synoptic gospels for its surfacestanding style of presentation of savior deliveryman. The prologue (John 11-18) upholds the counseling for the rest of the Johannine gospel. The author uses imagery to illustrate the themes in his work, he utilize the elements of creation to symbolise the divine existence of graven image. Light that precipitate out of darkness by the intelligence service of God in the beginning (Gen 1), and the forge that is both(prenominal) precipitate and bread and butter revealed the truth of the invisible divine personality of God. The prologue is presented in a poetic form, it also summarizes the detail of the Word which was with God in the very beginning of creation and came into the world. The author presented the Word as the pass reciprocation of God send into the world that the corona of God qualification be disclosed to benevolents beings in th eir kind. The prologue revealed the authors intended his readers to discover an brain wave of his thought of line as he unfold the divine revelation in his message. The author did not introduce himself in the prologue rather he introduced John the Baptist who proclaimed and assureed the coming of the true escape into the world. The author revealed the theology of the intelligence, it is clear from the prologue and the rest of Johns gospel that Jesus Christ is not only when a man He is also the eternal Son of God. The abrase of Johns Gospel was communicate to new Christians and non-Christians, therefore the prologue perfectly build the corporate trust and confidence in Jesus Christ, as they progress in besides readings in the gospel they may believe that Christ is truly the Son of God.The nameThe clearest and most explicit statement in the New will concerning the incarnated word is in the prologue of Johns Gospel. The author applied the term intelligence or Word to Christ in describing the personification and relationship with God. The word tidings had a range of meanings in the Hellenistic and Hebrew world of the first century. The word was cognise in the writings of Philo a Jew descend who was mach influenced by the teachings of the Greek philosopher Plato. Philos logos had no personality neither did he implied anything analogous incarnation to the word, his logos referred to philosophical thought and reason. Johns descriptions of the Word or Logos had the original definition from the Jewish concept of Divine Wisdom from the mature testament, the Wisdom of God was personified in wisdom literature ( Ps 33 6) and some prophetic book of the bible (Joe 11). The word was known to exist in the beginning before the creation of the world in the Genesis account the Word played a unique utilization as agent in creation. The word in the one-time(a) Testament concept is God self- twist in domicile among men in revelation, these apprehension makes it more suitable for the author of Johns Gospel to applied the word as Gods self-disclosure in His only begotten son.The opening words of the prologue raised the authors Christocentric concord when he said that the word was with God which implied the differences and relationship between the word and God. Clearly the word is understood as Gods active agent in creation, and the word show the divine progressive nature of God. Jesus the incarnated word continues to exercise the exact nature of God proclaimed in the Old Testament.The lightJohns prologue raises several themes that will continue finishedout the Gospel light, belief, truth, witness, and the individualism of Jesus. Light is one of the greatest symbols that the author of Johns gospel used figuratively to show the exact significance of the divine attribute of God the son. The author identified the light with the Old Testament context of the divine bearing of God dwelling among His people, this analogy can be seen in the Shek inah glory experienced in (Exod.1321), from this modulation it is understood that the cloud of the Lord was upon the temple by day, and fire by night, these fire produced light during the darkest hours in the resume of Israel through with(predicate)out their journeys. In other accounts such as the burning bush, Moses dictum the light, for the fire was burning but did not consumed the bush (Exodus. 3 1 1-9). There is a bound relation between fire and light, the psalmist gave a perfect imagery in (Ps. 1042) where light is seen as a textile covering the self-manifestation of God. The author of Johns gospel metaphorically used the light in the manifestation of Gods divine presence which is also in the personification presence of Jesus Christ. The author said in the prologue that as the light shine and darkness disappear, he personified both light and darkness in poetize (5) for the darkness will not be able to overpower the light, the passage reflect the dominance of light over the darkness. Christ gives light to all man, as the light of the world He shines on every human being in revelation and of salvation (John I 9)The word became word form and lives among men.The first four verses of Johns gospel (11-4) together with verse fourteen (114) provides the organic structure of Christ, the Church with a clear provision of central understanding of the Christian faith through the incarnated word of God in Jesus Christ. The writer focused on the light and life that brought salvation to mankind in this dispensation of grace. He relates light to the revelation that illuminates the mind of those that are saved through faith, and relate life to the new birth, the spiritual birth that every truster receives through the grace of the lord Jesus Christ. The light removes the darkness of infract from the lives of sinner. John the Baptist testified the nature of Jesus Christ he indicated the source of Gods light through His son to save the darkness of this world. Al though the world was created through Christ as the author put it, the world did not recognize Him. From the ordinal verse to the end of the prologue the writer made a distinct expression of the incarnated word that had became flesh and made His dwelling among human. From the Old Testament parable of the tabernacle (Ex 258-9) dwelled among Gods people gave the exact understanding of Christ dwelling among His people in person. The prologue made it clear that in Christ, God revealed Himself in a way that could be seen as any other human being.The Law of Moses and ChristIn the last two verses of the prologue the author put greater emphases on the contrast between the law and the gospel. In center the Law bear witness to Christ, the law is a guide that give out to salvation in the Son of God, the writer clearly stated that through Christ glory is expressed as means of grace and truth. The tenner Commandments is the word of God written on a stone lozenge devoted to Israel through Moses on Mount Sinai represented the old powder compact and Christ is Gods word in flesh represented His likeliness in the new covenant. God gave the Law to Israel through His servant Moses, these is recorded as one of the greatest among the old covenant era as the Son of God is recorded the greatest of all in the new covenant. The both the law and grace are the divine aspects of Gods nature that deals with man. The law was given to Israel as a guide to the coming Messiah and it was destine and finish in Christ. The writer reveals the uniqueness of the only Son of the father at the end of the prologue he once again affirmed the nature of the begetter and the Son. Christ did not just proclaimed grace and truth, He presented it because He was part of the divine existence with God, He was the message and acted as a messenger in order to save mankind, He bear witness to the father and proclaimed the truth.ConclusionThe prologue is a beautifully constructed passage it introduced and ou tlines the Gospel of John in thematic form. In just eighteen verses the writer introduced his reader from divine existence to humane understanding of incarnated word that revealed Gods saving(a) plan for humanity through Jesus and by the end of the prologue the writer had already revealed the uniqueness of the true son of God. Christ the eternal word of God played a vital role in divinity and humanity in creation from the beginning, He is the very source of light and life to man. Although the light is surrendered with darkness yet it cannot overcame the light. Jesus brought light and life to mankind as He revealed the glory and grace of God. Johns Gospel is addressed to both Christians and non-Christians a good understanding of the prologue will help and cognize the readers of this gospel to build their faith and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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