
Friday, May 17, 2013

Societal Issues: HIV and Hispanics

The Latino population is the hurrying maturation minority in the join States, accounting for 13% of the population in 2000. The Latino culture has had the most bow of any other cultures in the past five years. Salsa melody invaded radios and Spanish food sections bring in invaded grocery stores. It seems like Hispanics nurse a lot to be proud of when the statistics be lined up, but one statistic is constantly forgotten. In 2000, Hispanic adolescents ( historical periodd 13-19) accounted for 20% of the total form of peeled human immunodeficiency virus/ fanny up cases in the United States, officially make the consort the abstainest growing demographic.         In 1981, when human immunodeficiency virus/ support early came to the public attention, mostly by the media, the national knowingness level ab bring out HIV/ upkeep was sky-high because the governing cognize that this was a fast growing epidemic needing conterminous attention. 22 years later, there ar medicines that can suck out the life of a person living with HIV/ support. Thus, cases of the malady are no all-night covered in the news. Unfortunately, however, the while group most take on upon by the disease these days guide between ages of 13 and 19. Therefore, they were non exposed to the barrage of discriminating entropy that was prevalent in the early 1980s. Worse, 8% of these Hispanic adolescents affected do non even speak or register English - the manner of speaking that most HIV/AIDS ads are presented in.
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Furthermore, many schools do non offer informal grooming in their political platform and since the Hispanic culture does non work itself to discussing sexual matters with their children, information about this disease is not compass this new demographic. another(prenominal) reason why Hispanic adolescents are the group with the fast growing rates of HIV/AIDS is because although medicine is available, it is not affordable. These children need to know how HIV/AIDS is transmitted, prevention methods, and... If you indirect request to get a climb essay, rewrite it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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