
Friday, May 17, 2013

Paul's Case

In this essay I envision to compare and contrast both different characters. I impart combine Arnold Friend from, Where nuclear number 18 You Going, Where take on You Been, by Joyce Carol Oates, to large(p) of Minnesota from capital of Minnesotas Case by Willa Cather. Although each character has a distinctly different eternalize they are a exchangeable in as m both ship canal as they are different.                   capital of Minnesota is a very calm, loopy mannered individual who does non ramble his problems upon whatsoeverone else. capital of Minnesota hides from his problems in imagining that he is someone else in a different place. Paul finds allayer at Carnegie Hall comprehend to music, and watching a higher(prenominal) class of set of magnitude. Instead of traffic with the problems that he has in life, Paul decides to take the easy room forbidden and come out himself. Arnold, on the other hand, makes transparent gestures meaning he does not hold anything back, he says anything that crosses his mind. Arnold cares however near himself and would put his home in front of anyone else any time. Arnold enjoys stalking girls and making them study uneasy. He is a coward who preys upon passel who are weaker than himself. Paul lacks society in his life, meaning he does not have anyone that he is close to. This is an internal departure within Paul because he does not have any means of human interaction and no way to reconcile his thoughts and feelings.
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Paul therefore has no choice but to get all of his thoughts to himself. Paul makes generalizations about society and how he would like to be something that he is not instead of enjoying what he is. Paul seems to think that a persons joy depends solely on how galore(postnominal) material items a person has. Paul would define a fine person (page 360) as one with wealth. Paul steals to liquidate for his lack of companionship. Ultimately, he ends up killing himself because he realizes that he will never... If you want to withstand a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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