Introduction is the process by which contrastive economies of the world ar integrated so that world-wide patronage tummy string up from wizard country to an different(prenominal) (cited in Dani , 2006 . International spate under globalisation happens d single many forms . It contribute be in the form of businesses from one country investing in a nonher in the form of setting up plants and equipment (cited in Blanchard , 2005 . In this scenario , productionion activities ar internationalized . International trade nominate excessively be in the form of businesses confining their trading operations to the home country and engaging in only selling and marketing in the rest of the world (cited in Blanchard , 2005 . In this scenario marketing and selling operations ar internationalized and production activities be not . International trade besides contains place done businesses in one country selling franchises to those in anformer(a) country (cited in Blanchard , 2005 can cause cultural and ideological upheavals through facilitating transfer of nurture worldwide . This transfer of reading happens through the selling of franchises by kernel of different communications media such as newss , the Inter salary and subscriber line television . duration the enhanced availability of information may be a right-hand(a) amicable occasion for businesses in enhancing their global rivalrousness it is not a good thing for judicatures of nation- nominates trying to keep policy-making , cultural and social personal matters in . can amaze chaos to because social , g everyplacening bodyal and frugal fundamentals falsify from one country to another and hence the consequences can be painful if the society in one country tries to scoop up the values of the society in another when structurally they are fundamentally different (cited in Stiglitz , 2005Loss of stabilityThe process of globalization leads to the overthrow out of nation Democracy is promoted worldwide because democratic values jibe everyone s basic rights . just the spread of democracy has the potential for creating grand harm in collapseing countries if they do not sire the necessary political and social structure . The one- society political system is usually restrictive because its motivation is to stay in power . While it is not a good thing for the judicature to limit the freedom of those who live under its govern , it has the virtue of ensuring social stability so that the establishment can under stimulate different programs aimed at stinting development . hotshot of the most important things that facilitate economic development is grooming . Education is necessary if the nation-state is to energize the economy by means of technological evolution . The process of economic development goes through several dresss depending on which sector of the economy it is verifying on . In the arrivening , the economy subsists rude output . However the agricultural sector cannot sustain economic development for long because the drink d possess on hand(predicate) for agricultural activities shrinks as the size of the population grows because , ultimately the brass has to rely on technology in to enhance productivity on the land available . For this primer facts of life is vital for launching economic development and for maintaining its momentumThe one-sided political system has the ability to ensure the property of the education that the large number of that nation-state wee access to . The political relation in this political structure can set the curriculum so that the raft under its rule do not start to dubiety the wisdom of its economic program . This is possible in a world where the country is insulated from influence from the rest of the world . However globalization is impossible to terminate in the current state of technological development because physical barriers are meaningless when it comes to cable television and the Internet . Both these media facilitate access to information from anywhere in the world . As a resolving power , the people in the nation-state which is ru direct by one party begin to educate themselves on the woodland of life that is available in the rest of the world . This education will foil the gradual implementation of the model of economic growth that the government in that nation-state may score put in exploit . When its people see the privileged lifestyles that are available to other people in the world , they begin to reevaluate their own lifestyles and this reevaluation sows discontent with the present government which has not been able to go forth them with the goods and luxuries that people in other parts of the world take for granted . As a go forth , government think becomes disrupted as the people under its rule begin to raise their voices in protest . However because the nation-state under unilateral rule is based on the concept of the centrally-planned economy , people as individuals are not in the best order to decide what to produce , how to produce and for whom to produce . In the centrally planned economy , only the government has the necessary acquaintance to possess sound business decisions on these issues upsets this state of affairs by exposing the masses of the nation-state to potentially revolutionary ideas which manifest themselves in growing discontent with the present government . Very forward long they start to demand that the one-party system be pull downward(a) to be replaced by democratic processesOnce democratic processes replace the one-party rule in the nation-state , the people there begin to admiration freedom overnight and oft the reaction is one of opportunist manipulation of the factors of production for maximization of shekels . Because the transition to democracy from one-party rule took place too soon so that institutionally the nation-state was not equipped to handle a different political ideology , the rule of law is not evolved lavish to rein in illegal practices . Essentially what happens when the nation-state makes the transition from having a one-party rule to having a democratic system is that the people now have the rights to own factors of production which basically represent of land , labor and capital . However investment decisions link up to the factors of production have been left in the hands of the government under the one-party rule so far . As a dissolvent , the people do not have the experience and the expertise necessary to make coreive and expeditious allocation of resources . This is one of the major negative aspects of globalization . raft in the nation-state which had been supporting the one-party rule prior to globalization see only the results when they are demoted to the superior life-styles in the rest of the world . However that exposure certainly does not equip them with the experience or the expertise necessary for managing processes in a way which can create those lifestyles . The result is whence chaos which the government in the one-party rule finds itself inadequate to managing . gives nation-states the power of ideas . However it does not give them the means by which to harness that powerLoss of the welfare stateThe process of globalization facilitates international trade in the form of businesses of one country setting up operations in another country (cited in McConnell Brue , 2007 . This enhances the take of competition in the host country . As a result , businesses in the host country find themselves having to rely on government assistance in to cope efficaciously . Proponents of globalization argue that businesses in nation-states reach international standards when they make out with the forces of globalization . However strange businesses have a lots greater level of efficiency and effectiveness in their operations and therefore they have a clear advantage over local anesthetic businesses when they globalize their operations . The fact that unlike businesses have reached a global scale in their operations is inference that the management of those businesses has the confidence that they have the experience and the expertise with which to compete effectively on an international scale . That is not the suit with local businesses which are still confining their operations to one nation-state . When this nation-state is invaded by foreign businesses , the local businesses find themselves competing at a severe disadvantage in monetary value of price and quality . Because the scope of their operations is keep down , local businesses do not have nearly the identical level of capital as international businesses to pour into enhancing the efficiency and the effectiveness of their operations . As a result , local businesses cannot control embodys to the same extent as international businesses . whence organizations which are limited to catering to the needs of the home country are in no position to compete effectively with organizations which are competing on an international scale . Yet that is exactly the scenario as recommended by the recipe of globalizationAccording to the above , the recipe for globalization is a recipe for destruction . Consumers in the nation-state who have had a wide ordinate of choices opened up to them overnight as a result of globalization can hardly be expected to confine their purchasing habits to the organization of their own country when there are foreign organizations selling the same product with higher quality coming to them at a lower price . Therefore , organizations confined to domestic operations in the nation-state exposed to globalization for the first time will be wiped out as a result of disappearing demand for their products . In to win , these businesses turn to the government for assistance . This distorts the most important operate principle of the free market economy in which governments cannot come in to alter how market forces operate . Because local business cannot withstand on their own however , the government has to put up precaution in the form of subsidies and trade tariffs which have the effect of limiting international trade (cited in Stiglitz , 2005 . Government aid balances the scales somewhat in the form of subsidies enabling local businesses to make their products more affordable and in the form of trade tariffs forcing foreign businesses to set their prices higher . However the money for subsidies has to come from someplace and this is where the welfare state suffers . Under globalization , the government prioritizes aiding local businesses ahead of aiding the disadvantaged because the local business environment forms the underpinning of economic development . Therefore maintaining the health of the local business environment becomes the first priority and providing welfare becomes the second priority . As the government withdraws aid to the citizens in financial need , they turn to socially subversive activities in to support themselves and public asylum and security is compromised .
Therefore , while globalization can expose the citizens of a nation-state to a wide variety of choices enriching their lives , it can also undermine the competitiveness of its local business environment resulting in the government having to cut aid to the needy and the poor in favor of providing support to local businessesEnvironmental pollution through consumerismIt has been mentioned before that globalization exposes the people of a nation-state to a wide wander of choices . As a result , consumers in the nation-state begin to develop purchasing habits that have more to do with maintaining social locating than with actual needs . This works to the benefit of multinationals which begin to take over the market of the nation-state as a result of globalization . Multinationals usually follow one of four generic competitive strategies : differentiation , cost leadership , focus and best cost . It is the process of differentiation which gives rise to the phenomenon of consumerism . Differentiation is the process by which business organizations introduce supererogatory features into their product lines from time to time in to generate additional demand . As a result , consumers continue to buy upgraded versions of the product even when they do not have an actual need for itConsumerism first showed up in the developed economies of the west where ownership of certain products came to stage belongingness Therefore purchasing influences came from the need to own perspective symbols and these status symbols became the manipulators of social relations in a particular social structure . As a result consumerism became the main device driver of how people related to one another . This also led to excess consumption which hurt the environment . Without globalization consumerism would be confined to the West . However with the forces of globalization unleashed , even growth nation-states are beginning to show symptoms of consumerism . Consumerism is particularly harmful to the develop nation-states because the economic and the social structure there is fragile and therefore they become easily destabilized past the point of no apply as consumers begin to purchase products merely to chafe a line good . Multinationals perpetuate this state of affairs by constantly differentiating their product lines in to maintain appeal Multinationals also offer avocation opportunities to the people of the nation-state at a higher pay and this additional purchasing power whets consumerism . This hurts the environment because developing nation-states do not have the elaborate framework of rules and regulations that can monitor and stop activities harmful to the environment . Multinationals take full advantage of this lack and begin to cut corners that allow them to reduce cost of operations and make consumerism more affordable to the people of the developing nation-state . Multinationals frequently develop close contacts in government offices and these contacts lobby with the government to provide greater benefits to the multinational companies . Frequently the government itself is exceedingly motivated to provide additional benefits to international businesses because they are sources of foreign direct investment which represents one of the most powerful forces of economic growth . International businesses under the ownership of multinational companies can greatly improve the employment situation in the nation-state . Because the government in the nation-state is under pressure to improve economic vista which might lessen the social burden , it is content to look the other way as multinational companies cut down forests , pollute rivers with industrial waste and engage in other environmentally questionable activities in to enhance the level of profits . As multinational companies improve the efficiency and the effectiveness of their operations at the cost of environmental concerns , consumers are drawn deeper into the net of consumerism because their product choices go up as a result of greater benefits being accorded to the multinational companies . So consumerism is definitely one of the negative do of globalization as it is responsible for environmental degradation . It is difficult to identify the party to blame . Consumers cannot be blamed because they are simply keeping pace with the measure which are defining social relations in terms of consumerism . Multinationals are simply improving the standards of living while the government wants more foreign direct investment . However the stage is set by the process of globalization The process of globalization removes controls that ensure the well-being of the natural environmentConclusion has its positive effects as well its negative effects One of the positive effects of globalization is that it forces governments to enhance the transparency of their operations as the international investor demands detailed information on the economic outlook of the nation-state in which they are planning to invest However that benefit comes at the cost of social , political and economic destabilization . It also has costs related to the loss of the welfare state and environmental degradation . These three subversive forces combine to undermine the government s ability to regulate activity in its own nation-stateReferencesBaylis , buttocks , et al (2006 . of World Politics . Prentice HallBlanchard , Olivier (2005 . Macroeconomics . McGraw Hill /Irwin . 2005McConnell , Campbell R , and Stanley L Brue (2007 . Macroeconomics South westerncollege pubRodrik , Dani (2006 . One Economics , Many Recipes : Institutions , andEconomic egress . McGraw Hill /IrwinStiglitz , Joseph E (2005 . and Its Discontents . McGraw Hill /IrwinPAGEPAGE 5 ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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