
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Capacity Management free essay sample

Customer Demands DEMAND MANAGEMENT Costs: †¢ building plants †¢ operating plants Tactics Technological Change: †¢ rate (including breakthroughs) †¢ direction Control 2  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 5 http://factory -physics. com  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 http://factory -physics. com Capacity Management Issues Volume: †¢ relative to demand †¢ safety capacity Predictions and Assumptions (cont. ) Competition: †¢ likely behavior †¢ anticipated reactions Timing: †¢ lead or follow demand †¢ relative to process technology changes Suppliers: †¢ costs †¢ availability †¢ partnering/contracts Configuration: †¢ spatial distribution †¢ vendoring †¢ layout Flexibility: †¢ volume (scalability) †¢ mix (flexibility)  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 3 http://factory -physics. com  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 6 http://factory -physics. com 1 Strategic Capacity Planning Market Share: †¢ how much of total market to aim for? †¢ effect on competitors Market Share Calculation (cont. ) Example: Suppose capacity costs $1/yr for each unit of productive capacity and lost sales result in $3 per unit. Then Timing: †¢ lead †¢ match †¢ follow cs ? c o 3 ? 1 = = 0. 67 cs 3 So we should choose capacity slightly above the mean forecast (which would correspond to the ratio 0. We will write a custom essay sample on Capacity Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 5) Increments: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ process considerations economies of scale exposure to risk defensive value 7  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 Note: This is very rough, since cs and co may change based on how much capacity is installed (e. g. , economies of scale) and may be influenced by the future (e. g. , failure to meet demand now may affect future sales). But it gives a rough idea of whether we should aim for a large or small capacity cushion. 10  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 http://factory -physics. com http://factory -physics. com Strategic Capacity Planning (cont. ) Type: †¢ matching technology to market †¢ flexibility Market Share Example Situation: In 1966 Zenith faced †¢ Industry sales for color TV’s had doubled each year for 3 years. †¢ Total demand greater than 5 million annually by 1966. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Zenith had maintained a 20% market share. Capacity of 1 million/year (4,000/day) was stretched to limit. Industry demand expected to increase to 7 -10 million in next 2 years. Selling price of $370/unit. After tax profit rate of 7% of sales. Location: †¢ make or buy? †¢ expansion or new facility? †¢ global strategy Proposal: expand 2 existing plants and add new plant to bring capacity to 7,300 per day. New plant would cost $6 million and would have capacity of 2,100 per day. 8  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 11  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 http://factory -physics. com http://factory -physics. com Market Share Calculation Notation: †¢ cs = cost per unit short (e. g. , lost sales) †¢ co = cost per unit over (e. g. , wasted capacity) Market Share Example (cont. ) Analysis: cs = 2,100 ? $370 ? 250 ? 0. 07 = $13,597,500 per year annual profit from new plant annual cost of new plant co = $6,000,000 ? Capacity should be added to have roughly 90% probability of being able to meet 1968 demand. This means capacity of something over 9,000 sets per day. So, proposed increase and then some would ap pear to make sense. Problem: implicitly assumes uniform distribution of demand. Fails to consider competition. 9  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 12  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 http://factory -physics. Capacity Timing Lead Demand: †¢ create â€Å"capacity cushion† planned underutilization †¢ accommodate surges in demand †¢ attract new business take market share from competitors †¢ likelihood of falling short roughly equal to likelihood of having too much capacity †¢ could require OT, extra shifts, scrambling, etc. to make up difference †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ negative capacity cushion conservative with regard to forecast assures high utilization, higher return on investment But, can lead to erosion of market share http://factory -physics. com capacity capacity capacity Developing a Capacity Strategy Caveat: modeling/analysis can help, but can only be part of the picture, since we cannot forecast the future. time Basic Strategies: 1. Peak: don’t build until need develops. †¢ â€Å"safe† strategy †¢ but can cause synchronization with competition and high costs/risks 2. Countercyclical: add at lower point in business cycle when firm and competitors have excess capacity. †¢ riskier? †¢ reduced costs but can backfire Meet Demand: time Lag Demand: time 13  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 16 http://factory -physics. com  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 Economies of Scale Short-Term: In short-term, almost everything (labor, equipment, insurance, etc. ) is fixed: Developing a Capacity Strategy (cont. ) 3. Long Haul: match or lag demand, but on average not for short-term. †¢ easier to be right over long haul than in near term †¢ better planning 4. Follow the Leader:build when they build. †¢ prevents competition from gaining an advantage †¢ can backfire (e. g. , oil tanker purchases in 1970’s, 1973 war ? price increases ? conservation, falling demand). fixed cost + variable cost Unit cost = throughput fixed cost = + variable unit cost throughput so, short-term unit costs decrease with throughput. Intermediate-Term: In the intermediate-term, utilization of a resource depends on run lengths, so given changeover cost and run length of a particular product, unit cost can be expressed as: Unit cost = changeovercost + runningcost per unit units per run which is increasing in setup cost and decreasing in run length. 14  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 17  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 http://factory -physics. com http://factory -physics. com Economies of Scale (cont. ) Long -Term: are functions of plant equipment. Equipment cost as a function o f the capacity can be approximated by Causes of Overbuilding Manufacturing Capacity Technological Factors: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ adding capacity in large increments economies of scale long lead times in adding capacity min efficient scale increasing over time changes in production technology Competitive Factors: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ large number of firms lack of credible market leaders entry of new competitors advantages of being an early mover K (C) = aC b where b is typically between 0. 6 and 1. Thus, cost per unit is: K( C) = aC b? 1 C Since b is usually less than one, this implies that unit cost tends to decrease with capacity. That is, larger plants are more efficien t than small ones. However, there are diseconomies of scale, such as material handling, communication, risk. Unit cost = Information Flow Factors: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ inflation of future expectations divergent assumptions or perceptions breakdown of market signaling structural change financial community pressures Structural Factors: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ significant exit barriers motivation from suppliers building credibility with customers integrated competitors effect of capacity share on market share effect of age/type of capacity on demand Governmental Factors: †¢ perverse tax incentives †¢ desire for indigenous industry †¢ pressures to increase/maintain employment Managerial Factors: 15  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 †¢ mgmt background and industry exp †¢ attitude toward different types of risk  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 18 http://factory -physics. com http://factory -physics. com 3 Integrating with Business Strategy Capacity as Strategic Weapon: †¢ supply can create demand (â€Å"invest and grow†) †¢ preemptive weapon (prevent smaller competitors from adding capacity) Traditional Approach Formulation: min cost capacity feasible solution min Total Equipment Cost subject to: r e(i) ? TH, for all stations i Location Decisions: †¢ move into geographic market †¢ transportation costs †¢ attractive locales to recruit talent Details: re (i) = m(i) ? TH te (i) m( i) ? TH ? t e( i) Leadtime Dimension: †¢ competing on quality/responsiveness requires capacity cushion 19  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 22  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 http://factory -physics. com http://factory -physics. com Traditional vs. Modern View of Capacity 100 % Traditional Approach (cont. Provide basis for better optimization approach. Add machine at i* . 3. If CT feasible, stop. Else go to (2). 25  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 28  © Wallace J. Hopp, Mark L. Spearman, 1996, 2000 http://factory -physics. com http://factory -physics. com Other Capacity Dimensions Law (Buffering): Any manufacturing system with variability will have buffers in some combination of the following forms: 1. Inventory (and CT) 2. Capacity (low utilization, lost sales) 3. Time (long lead times) Implications: There are other ways to improve CT performance of a system.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

What German Learners Need to Know About the Genitive Case

What German Learners Need to Know About the Genitive Case This article  examines some of the finer points concerning the use of the Genitive case and assumes you already know the basics. If you do not, you may want to check out The Four German Noun Cases article first. It may offer you some comfort to know that even Germans have problems with the genitive. A common error made by native-speakers of German is to use an apostrophe - English-style - in possessive forms. For instance, they will often write â€Å"Karl’s Buch† instead of the correct form, â€Å"Karls Buch.† Some observers claim this is an influence of English, but it is an influence that is often seen on store signs and even on the sides of trucks in Austria and Germany. For non-Germans, there are other genitive problems of more concern. While it is true that the genitive case is used less in spoken German, and its frequency even in formal, written German has declined over the last few decades, there are still many situations when mastery of the genitive is important. When you look up a noun in a German dictionary, whether bilingual or German-only, youll see two endings indicated. The first indicates the genitive ending, the second is the plural ending or form. Here are two examples for the noun  Film: Film, der; -(e)s, -e  /  Ã‚  Film  m  -(e)s, -e The first entry is from a paperback all-German dictionary. The second is from a large German-English dictionary. Both tell you the same thing: The gender of  Film  is masculine (der), the genitive form is  des Filmes  or  des Films  (of the film) and the plural is  die Filme  (films, movies). Since feminine nouns in German dont have any genitive ending, a dash indicates no ending:  Kapelle, die; -, -n. The genitive form of most neuter and masculine nouns in German is fairly predictable, with an -sor -es  ending. (Almost all nouns ending in  s,  ss,  ÃƒÅ¸,  sch,  z  or  tz  must end with -es  in the genitive.) However, there are some nouns with unusual genitive forms. Most of these irregular forms are masculine nouns with a genitive -n  ending, rather than -s  or -es. Most (but not all) words in this group are weak masculine nouns that take an -n  or -en  ending in the  accusative  and  dative  cases, plus some neuter nouns. Here are a few examples: der Architekt  -  des Architekten  (architect)der Bauer  -  des Bauern  (farmer, peasant)der Friede(n) -  des Friedens  (peace)der Gedanke  -  des Gedankens  (thought, idea)der Herr  -  des Herrn  (sir, gentleman)das Herz  -  des Herzens  (heart)der Klerus  -  des Klerus  (clergy)der Mensch  -  des Menschen  (person, human)der Nachbar  -  des Nachbarn  (neighbor)der Name  -  des Namens  (name) See a full list of  special masculine nouns  that take unusual endings in the genitive and other cases in our  German-English Glossary of Special Nouns. Before we take an even closer look at the genitive case, lets mention one area of the genitive that is mercifully simple: the genitive  adjective endings. For once, at least one aspect of German grammar is plain and simple! In genitive phrases, the adjective ending is (almost) always -en, as in  des roten Autos  (of the red car),  meiner teuren Karten  (of my expensive tickets) ordieses neuen Theaters  (of the new theater). This adjective-ending rule applies to any gender and the plural in the genitive, with almost any form of the definite or indefinite article, plus  dieser-words. The very few exceptions are usually adjectives that are normally not declined at all (some colors, cities):  der Frankfurter Bà ¶rse  (of the Frankfurt stock exchange). The genitive -en  adjective ending is the same as in the dative case. If you look at our  Adjective Dative and Accusative  Endings  page, the genitive adjective endings are identical to those shown for the dative case. This applies even to genitive phrases without an article:  schweren Herzens  (with a heavy heart). Now lets continue with our look at some additional exceptions to the normal genitive endings for some neuter and masculine nouns. No Genitive Ending The genitive ending is omitted with: Many foreign words -  des Atlas, des Euro  (but also  des Euros),  die Werke des BarockMost foreign geographical names -  des High Point, die Berge des Himalaja  (or  des Himalajas)Days of the week, months -  des Montag, des Mai  (but also  des Maies/Maien),  des JanuarNames with titles (ending on title only) -  des Professors Schmidt, des amerikanischen Architekten Daniel Libeskind, des Herrn MaierBut...  des Doktor (Dr.) Mà ¼ller  (Dr. considered part of the name) Formulaic Genitive Expressions The genitive is also used in some common idiomatic or formulaic expressions in German (which are not usually translated into English with of). Such phrases include: eines Tages  - one day, some dayeines Nachts  - one night (note irreg. genitive form)eines kalten Winters  - one cold wintererster Klasse fahren  - to travel in first classletzten Endes  - when all is said and donemeines Wissens  - to my knowledgemeines Erachtens  - in my opinion/view UsingVonInstead of the Genitive Case In colloquial German, especially in certain dialects, the genitive is usually replaced by a  von-phrase or (particulary in Austria and southern Germany) with a possessive pronoun phrase:  der/dem Erich sein Haus  (Erichs house),  die/der Maria ihre Freunde  (Marias friends). In general, the use of the genitive in modern German is viewed as fancy language, more often used at a higher, more formal language register or style than that used by the average person. But the genitive is preferred in place of a  von-phrase when it may have a dual or ambiguous meaning. The dative phrase  von meinem Vater  can mean either of my father or from my father. If the speaker or writer wants to avoid possible confusion in such cases, the use of the genitive  des Vaters  would be preferable. Below youll find some guidelines regarding the use of  von-phrases as a genitive substitute: The genitive is often replaced by a  von-phrase... to avoid repetition:  der Schlà ¼ssel von der Tà ¼r des Hausesto avoid awkward language situations:  das Auto von Fritz  (rather than the old-fashioned  des Fritzchens  or  Fritz Auto)in spoken German:  der Bruder von Hans, vom Wagen  (if the meaning is clear) The genitive  must  be replaced by a  von-phrase with... pronouns:  jeder von uns,  ein Onkel von ihra single noun without an article or declined adjective:  ein Geruch von Benzin,  die Mutter von vier Kindernafter  viel  or  wenig:  viel von dem guten Bier As  mentioned in this article about prepositions that take the genitive case, even here the dative seems to be replacing the genitive in everyday German. But the genitive is still a vital part of German grammarand it delights native speakers when non-native speakers use it correctly.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Finance Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finance Principles - Essay Example Stakeholders include all individual and institutions that are financially and non financial associated with the company i.e. from board of directors and top management to shareholders, creditors, suppliers, employees, society and the environment (Ross, Westerfield, & Jordan, 2008, p.7). Corporate governance policies are developed and implemented by mainly the board of directors and top management of companies. Executive directors play important on this business activity. Many executive directors of leading firms of both UK and USA have been criticized for major corporate failure of their organizations. Few of these firms are WorldCom, Enron, Tyco, Fannie Mae, Northern Rock, Freddy Mac, Barings Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland. Principles underlying corporate governance and its importance Corporate governance is generally a set of principles developed by the companies to show its extent of confidence in terms of capability of the company to maintain sustainable interest of all the stakeho lders. Main objective of corporate governance principles to conduct a business with integrity and fairness and the business should be transparent in all financial transactions. It should provide all necessary disclosure and discussions following all laws of the land and it should have responsibility and accountability towards its commitment to the stakeholders so that it can run a business with an ethical manner. Good corporate governance refers to standard level of confidence from a company through its positive commitment through corporate governance policies. The independent present in board leads to high confidence of the company in the market. It one of the important criteria on which the long term investors value a target company or an institutional investment decision is made by leading investment firms. Therefore, companies should have very clean, transparent and objective oriented corporate governance which would help to raise fund from both creditors and from market (Van Ho rne & Wachowicz, 2008, p.15). Combined Code on corporate governance Combined code is a popular corporate governance code of conduct that was derived from three different report of corporate governance. These are Hampel Committee’s Final Report, Greenbury report and Cadbury Report. The combined code was developed in 1988 and it is appended mandatory to the corporate governance policies of the companies listed in London Stock Exchange. Therefore, compliance of the combined code was mandatory to all the listed companies. The main constituents of combined code i.e. Cadbury report and Greenbury report were developed by Hample Committee and Greenbury Committee respectively in 1995. The main objective of combined code is to ensure that companies need to follow a standard set of corporate governance policies. The board of directors need to develop and maintain confidential corporate governance policies to safeguard the interest of the stakeholders’ interests. For this purpose the board need to have full control over the business activities so that shareholders’ investment and companies’ assets can generate adequate return for profitability of the companies as well as the shareholders (Block & Hirt,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The pharmacist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The pharmacist - Essay Example Through my father, I realized that I want to go down that same path, and be a beacon of goodness to others through a caring career in serving the community. I have always thought that as a pharmacist, I have the unique opportunity in dealing with people of all kinds, with many different afflictions or needs. I think that a pharmacist plays a key role not only in bringing the customer the proper medication, but also in providing good service, and in small ways trying to give cheer and good will to them. It would be such a joy to see a customer return and seeing the improvements in their health. Second, my academic and other career experiences have further prompted me to seek a career in pharmacy. I have always had a love for science, especially in chemistry. As I have mentioned earlier, I am a Registered Nurse and through my work, I have seen how certain medications work with certain afflictions and with different people, and that I find fascinating. It is very interesting to know that each human body is unique, and react differently to a variety of medication. Some times I see practically miracles being performed through the proper medicine, other times are more challenging.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Research paper onAutism-- pathophysiology and diagnostic tests Essay

Research paper onAutism-- pathophysiology and diagnostic tests - Essay Example Autism is a life-long developmental disorder affecting as many as 1 in 500 children. The causes for this profound disorder are largely unknown (White). Several pathophysiological conditions are responsible to cause autism, and one of them is Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF). HGF is a polypeptide growth factor which acts by binding to the MET tyrosine kinase receptor. HGF influences the growth, motility and morphogenesis of various epithelial and endothelial cells and functions as a trophic factor for organ regeneration. Accumulating evidence suggest that HGF and its receptor MET play a role in neuronal cell development. First, HGF and its receptor MET are widely expressed in the developing and mature mouse brain, with expression beginning as early as embryonic day 12 (E12) and E13, respectively Second, HGF promotes the migration of cortical interneurons from the ventral to the dorsal telencephalon in rodents,and HGF-MET signaling systems are implicated in regulating the proliferation and differentiation of cerebellar granule cells. Furthermore, HGF plays a role in regulating the morphology of cortical pyramidal dendrites in the early postnatal period, and endogenous levels of HGF are necessary for the normal development of these neurons. Taken together, these findings Sugihara et al., 2007 suggested that HGF may be a candidate for mediating interneuron development in vivo. In this study, these researchers studied whether serum HGF levels in subjects with high-functioning autism are altered as compared with age-matched healthy controls. Furthermore, they also examined the relationship between serum HGF levels and clinical symptoms in subjects with autism. The findings suggested that disruption of the HGF-MET signaling systems results in complex alterations in GABAergic interneuron development in the forebrain. Taken together, it is likely that decreased HGF levels may be

Friday, November 15, 2019

Miami Dade Country Disaster

Miami Dade Country Disaster The entire nation is facing an era where being technologically skilled is in high demand. However, some people are inevitably being left behind not just because of the high cost of computers or even the fact that there is lack of internet access where they live but, the fact they have no interest in the content causing a digital divide amongst each other. Natural and man-made disasters strike suddenly and leave behind lives shattered by either physical injury or psychological upset. Different variables affect everyone differently. In order for the Emergency Management System to be effective they must overcome many obstacles such as the response to emergencies by the different cultures within a community. Clarifying safety measures the public should take during a catastrophic event, ensuring the public can be part of the disaster response, or not having an effective partnership with community business are some factors that can be detrimental to the structure of the Emergency Management System. However, despite the obstacles emergency management system face they play an important role during a disaster. Catastrophic loss can be minimized with early warning systems, better preparedness among the populations at risk, and having early and effective response systems in place. Miami- Dade County experiences a wide range of natural disaster including hurricanes, tornadoes and flooding. Similar to natural disaster, the increase in terrorist activities is becoming a prominent concerns among citizens because they can strike any place, any time with any weapon. Although it remains impossible to predict when and where a disaster will occur, recognizing risk before a disaster strikes is critical for people to realize.ÂÂ   The impacts can be reduced if personal safety measures would be taken. Every community should be prepared for different disasters and have a plan of action in place. Board range of factors influence the preparedness actions during and after a disaster. Risk perception is strongly associated with disaster preparedness because individuals must perceive a risk to be motivated to initiate preparedness actions (Sattler et al. 2000, Miceli et al. 2008).ÂÂ   Disaster preparedness varies by education at the community levels, race and ethnicity , socioeconomic, and community characteristics. Cultural and religious influences can affect responses to natural disaster. Having a valid assessment of vulnerability and risk is crucial to avoid additional burdens after a disaster strikes. Broad range of factors that could influence preparedness actions within the Miami-Dade County is contingent on social factors that influence the ability to recognize the risk of a disaster no different than their everyday social conditions. For instance, minority populations live in less desirable locations with increased crime rates. Many find themselves secluded to their homes and everyday situations and tend to perceive the true risk of hazards because they may not have access to social media or even have cable television. Unfortunately, technology is sweeping the globe and causing a gap between generations and even those across poor nations (Carey, 2011). Having access to information can enhance individual cognitive and learning skills promoted better preparedness for disasters. Disaster ed ucation interventions is influential in raising awareness and knowledge of a disaster. Serious changes must be accepted within a community to increase resiliency and enhance disaster preparedness actions. As Flynn said People must be willing to make pragmatic changes, such as relocating when their homesÂÂ   are repeatedlyÂÂ   destroyedÂÂ   orÂÂ   reaching deeper into their pockets to pay for the communications and other tools communities need to improve their robustness, resourcefulness, and recovery capabilities before the next crisis. (Flynn, 2007, p. 7) Therefore, psychological and social changes in post disaster can be minimized with early psychosocial interventions.ÂÂ   Of course people make adjustments, but for some it will never be the same. Disasters can cause many people to have a hard time coping and returning to normal daily functions especially if it was witnessing some sort of terrorism event References Bourque, L. B., D. S. Mileti, M. Kano, and M. M. Wood. 2012. Who prepares for terrorism? Environment and Behavior 44:374-409. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0013916510390318 Carey, B. (2011, April 11). Three in 10 in South Florida dont have internet access. Miami Herald, p. 2. Retrieved from http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/2011-04-27/business/mh-digital-divide-20110427_1_internet-access-computer-access-computer-stations Flynn, S. E. (2007). America the Resilient Defying Terrorism and Mitigating Natural Disasters. (1999). The digital divide bridging the technology gap hearing before the Subcommittee on Empowerment of the Committee on Small Business. Hundred Sixth Congress, second session. Sattler, D. N., C. F. Kaiser, and J. B. Hittner. 2000. Disaster preparedness: relationships among prior experience, personal characteristics, and distress. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 30:1396-1420. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1559-1816.2000.tb02527.x Miceli, R., I. Sotgiu, and M. Settanni. 2008. Disaster preparedness and perception of flood risk: a study in an alpine valley in Italy. Journal of Environmental Psychology 28:164-173. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2007.10.006

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice Is Part Of Our Inherent Nature :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays

To Kill A Mockingbird: Prejudice Is Part of Our Inherent Nature Why did Atticus defend a nigger? What was the point of being the advocate for a black man? It doesn't matter if their guilty or innocent, you can ceaselessly and effortlessly convict the animals for their colour vice. You can even turn a blind eye to the obvious truth. And so did the â€Å"people†, the white, narrow- minded, bigoted and hypocritical people of Maycomb. The justification for why Atticus broke from the norm, and acted unlike most others in his community, can be compared to the motive of the central character in the novel, A Time To Kill, written by John Grisham. The comparative character, a lawyer named Jake, also endangers not only his own life but his family's, by defending a Negro. He is compelled to undergo such a risk as he believes he is protecting an innocent man. Despite the fact that he is black. Jake could not live with himself if he failed to give his utmost effort in clearing the accused, Carl Lee Hailey's, name. The lawyer feels that it is his obligation to humanity to do so. Similarly, the case Atticus accepts is something which goes to the essence of a man's own conscience. Atticus is unable to treat the underdogs of the town how the majority of people act towards them. Clearly the people of Maycomb are narrow-minded, bigoted and hypocritical, and Atticus Finch is not. Nothing can be done to make the prejudiced, perverse people hear the truth. This dogmatic attitude does not occur exclusively between the whites and the Negroes either. The community's unsubstantiated stories about other citizens also demonstrate their heedless to the truth and prejudiced natures. Arthur Radley, otherwise labelled Boo, has for decades been maliciously slandered, in the county. The people that have done so do not know Arthur, and the reason they can make such judgments escapes me. When there was a series of pets being mysteriously slaughtered, the consensus was that it was performed by Boo. Later, when the culprit transpired to be someone else, most people were still rooted in the belief that Boo was to blame. They could not believe the truth. And all unsolved crimes committed, in the area, have been manufactured solely by him. If your garden freezes it is because he breathed on it and nuts and other fruits, grown on the Radley property, are considered poisonous. Why have these allegations been targeted on Arthur? All that distinguishes him from other folks is that he isolates himself from the community. Is privacy a crime?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why Do You Want to Be a Lawyer

The definition of a law state’s that ‘a lawyer is a person who practiced law and delivered justice. The role of the lawyer varies significantly across legal jurisdiction. So, as relation to the topic above, I want to become a lawyer because, it is my ambition to become a lawyer since when I was in class five know that it is not so easy to become a lawyer. Because the subject law is not very easy to study, because the study material are so huge. There is so many constitution and act to study. And established as an honorable lawyer is not so easy, it takes a lot of time to establish in the society as a good lawyer.But also I have choose to become a lawyer because, in my point of view, the population of our country is about sixteen core and the number of lawyer in our country is about 42000 and number of judges is about 1800. So it is very less in number in relation to the number of people in our country. And because of crisis of people in the judicial department it takes a lot of time for judgment in our country. And I can see no one care about all this problem, everyone wants to be doctor, engineer or wants to complete MBA or BBA and look for comfortable jobs.It’s a profession which is to serve for the people, it is honorable profession, and it gives relief to people similar to medical hospital. A hospital heal the physical parts of the people where as a lawyer heal the people both physically and mentally. In our country we can see many poor people often engaged different kind of crimes, and they do not get right judgment because they do not have the capacity to haired a good experience lawyer, because the demand of money of a good lawyer is more, so I have decided to established myself as a good lawyer, I’ll give right judgments to the people.And I think to practice as a lawyer in the court is not so easy, because it need a great courage to fight against different civil and criminal cases. Because sometimes the lawyer gets different t hreats from different persons and political sites, and I think that I had that courage to face all this problems. And also practice as a lawyer is very interesting because every day we will deal with some new cases and also we will discover some new things by sought out problems.By becoming a lawyer as I can practice both in courts as well as work for a company, because now day’s high ranking company needs lawyer to sought out their problems. By becoming lawyer I can practice in the supreme courts also. And we know that Supreme Court is the highest courts in our country, and it is not so easy to practice as a lawyer in the Supreme Court, and it very honorable. Working as a lawyer I can handle the constitution affairs also, the position of a lawyer doesn’t ends here, after practicing as a lawyer in the district courts for ten years I can work as a judges also.It is clearly visible that the demand of a lawyer is increasing day by day, because now days in every matter the re is a need of a lawyer, like if we buy a house or sell a house there is a need of a lawyer even for a marriage here is a need of a lawyer. So, as a conclusion I would like to tell that it is common that law related persons are often respected by the society, and it is a very respected job in a society. Nowadays a lawyer is a most important person in our society, they are the middle person who solves specific individualized problems, and the role of a lawyer varies significantly across legal jurisdictions.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Follow who

Follow who Follow who - a review on Formation Essay Follow who? – A review on Wang Qingsong’s artwork at White Rabbit Gallery If you are a contemporary art lover, I bet you know about the White Rabbit Collection, which has impressive collections of contemporary Chinese art. And if you happen to be a chinese like me, then you will not miss the Gallery’s 10th exhibition - Reformation . Here I am standing in front of a 3-metres wide staged photograph called ‘Follow You’ by Chinese contemporary artist Wang Qingsong known for his large-scale photographs which explore the political, social and cultural issues of a rapidly changing China. He often hires ‘actors’ and construct sets in film studios like a film director. The theme of his photographs is often characteristically surreal and sarcastic, revealing China’s obsession with progress and the losses in this process. Looking at this photograph, I had this funny feeling that I could find myself sitting in this classroom among those students with heads down – sleeping. The rolls of rolls of students make a jam packed figures landscape. Piles and piles of books heavily sit on the desks companied with Coke bottles. Empty slogans densely fill up the walls. The only person not comatose is grey-bearded scholar-like the artist himself, who needs a drip to stay awake ironically. You m ay wonder what’s in the artist’s mind at that moment. My funny feeling disappeared and I started feeling exhausted, stressed and terribly sad. I often chat to my friends in China, most of them are my classmates from schools and university back in China long time ago. From our conversations about their daily lives, I understand as an ordinary person living in China, what challenge, frustration and even anger they are enduring nowadays. I heard stories of children in China suffer serious stress from as young as 6 years old . Students do all the study for one and only one reason: to get a high score on the university entry exam. And one of my schoolmates told me half-jokingly that after studied Environmental Protection for 4 years and graduated from university 20 years ago, he hasn’t done a single deal about

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Know If Youve Got Fire Ants

How to Know If You've Got Fire Ants Red imported fire ants defend their nests aggressively and can sting repeatedly. Their venom causes a severe burning and itching sensation, and in rare cases, may trigger a life-threatening allergic reaction. Red imported fire ants can put people and pets at risk for stings, and impact wildlife populations. If youve got fire ants, you may need to treat your property to eliminate them. Before you rush out for some fire ant killer, though, you should be sure youve got fire ants. Ants play an important role in the ecosystem, and you dont want to kill the wrong kind. To identify red imported fire ants, look at three things: their physical features, the ant nest, and the way the ants behave. Differentiating Fire Ants from Other Ant Species Look for the following traits to identify red imported fire ants: Nodes: Fire ants, whether native or imported, have two nodes at the constricted waist between the thorax and abdomen.Antennal clubs: The antennae of fire ants (genus Solenopsis) consist of 10 segments, with a two-segment club.Small size: Red imported fire ant workers measure just 1.5 mm to 4 mm.Size variation: Red imported fire ant workers vary in size according to caste.Color: Red imported fire ants are reddish brown, and the abdomen is darker than the rest of the body.Standard proportion: The heads of red imported fire ants will never be wider than their abdomens in any worker caste. It can be difficult to differentiate red imported fire ants from native fire ant species. We recommend collecting several ants from a suspected fire ant colony and taking them to your local extension office for confirmation. Identifying Red Imported Fire Ant Nests Fire ants live underground, in tunnels and chambers which they construct. When conditions are right for breeding, they expand their nests above ground. Looking at the construction of these mounds can help you identify red imported fire ant nests. Imported fire ant mounds tend to be constructed of loose, crumbly soil. They resemble the piles left behind by digging gophers.Mounds usually appear in spring or fall, or after cool, wet weather when breeding conditions are best.Unlike those of native ants, red imported fire ant mounds do not have an opening in the center. The ants enter the mound from tunnels below ground level.Red imported fire ant mounds usually measure up to 18 in diameter, but will often be considerably smaller.Fire ants build mounds in open, sunny locations.When the mound is disturbed, the white brood will be visible. The larvae and pupae may look like grains of white rice in the soil. Fire Ant Behavior Fire ants are the hotheads of the ant world. You may be able to identify fire ants by observing their behavior. Fire ants defend their nests aggressively. Any disturbance of the nest will elicit a quick response, with dozens of fire ant workers storming from the nest to do battle.Fire ants will typically climb vertical surfaces when disturbed. Look for fire ant workers on tall grasses or other surfaces around the mound. Of course, one sure fire way to find out if theyre fire ants or not is to get stung (not recommended)! Fire ant venom causes an intense burning sensation. Within 24-28 days, the sting sites will form white pustules. If youve been stung by fire ants, youll know it.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean environmental activists use of Essay

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean environmental activists use of Borderless Media - Essay Example to be a thorn in the flesh for the media and the public is how environmental issues are tackled by leaders across the different governments. The Asian journalists tend to think that the media from the West is well equipped with environmental data, which is totally different from the situation that is on the ground in Asia. In Asia difficulties faced by the media ranges from financial, technical and political in the various ventures that are explored. Information on environmental problems and projects is vast in Asia but the only problem is that the information is not freely accessible to the public and the only people who get to access it are the government agencies. The information is not also made available to the journalists neither is it filtered to meet the government interests. The only information that is availed to the public in one way or the other is usually presented in scientific jargon as well as in technical reports aimed at making the environmental information incompre hensible to the media fraternity thus gagging their ability to spread the information throughout the public domain. A good as well as a practical example is indicated by the fact that the appraisal report, the evaluation report and the impact-assessment report of big projects like dams are normally treated by the national government as confidential and the same case applies to international loaning agencies that are funding these projects. There are numerous unfolding difficulties that are faced by the activists and the media fraternity in their efforts to inform the public on issues facing the environment. These however does not deter the Asian environmental activists as well as the Asian group in stepping up their efforts of informing the public on matters that are environmentally sensitive and which affect government decisions (LaMay and Dennis, 1991, p. 219). Chinese environmental activists’ use of Borderless Media Use of Local newspaper According to Redclift, as the year s go by the environmental issues are in one way or the other considered to be non-sensitive issues. This has changed the whole of reporting scenery of these issues as they are reported regularly thereby making them to be obvious. The Chinese local newspaper in particular has been under intense pressure from the government to refrain from critically reporting on issues that pertain to the environment. Bans are imposed with the claim that it is for the national as well as the security interest of the nation. In 2005 Yang, an expert of the media and environment in China indicated that environmental NGOs together with their environmental campaigns have had one of the favorable spells in the Chinese local newspaper since the mid 1990s when they emerged. A close relationship has since emerged from the environmental NGOs and conventional media. The existing relationship has also incorporated various green NGOs that are spearheaded by former professional journalists. The tie between the NGO s and the media is further enhanced by the fact that the environmental NGOs are part and parcel of the source of the news and at the same time, the environmental NGOs rely on the media to apply more pressure on the government (Redclift, 201, p. 389). Use of Internet The internet has played a crucial role in expanding the existing room for the free media over the past decades. The state

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business Environment and Strategic Management of Primark Essay - 2

Business Environment and Strategic Management of Primark - Essay Example From this study it is clear that Primark’s product categories include the ladies wear, children’s wear, men’s wear, lingerie, cosmetics, fashion accessories, and the home products. Primarily Primark’s merchandise is made especially for its own brands, but it also stocks other products from other recognised (well known) brands like the Disney, Haribo sweets, Warner Brothers, and Nivea. According to the paper the company’s apparel products lines typically showcase simple designs and fabrics in the popular sizes. Primark usually launches its stores in the high street locations and most of its products lines are usually stocked in bulk at every location. Its main competitors are BHS, Marks and Spencer, John Lewis, George at ASDA, Debenhams, and TK Max. Recognised globally for its quality in apparels and clothing at the budget prices, the company provides clothing for all sizes, ages, and sexes with different department for the household goods. Its succe ss is largely attributed to a highly organised business structures that provides its customers with what they need at within a reasonable prices. Primark’s cost leadership means that the company’s market research team are usually on the pulse of the fashion changes by providing products that are similar to its rival companies quickly. The majority of the company’s sources of supply is in the overseas countries such as China, India, Bangladesh, Philippines and Turkey. The company has developed the computerised customs clearance, the dedicated.