Friday, May 31, 2019
Shakespeares Macbeth - Relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Macbeth is a play about death, deceit, and corruption. At the center of all this is Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth. As the play progresses, their relationship changes dramatically as a result of how each of them handles their emotions following King Duncans murder. In the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth is a strong, domineering person. She seems able to coerce Macbeth into doing things that he would not do on his own. She seems willing to trample anyone in order to get what she wants. She seems ready to kill. She would have no problem dancing on the backs of the bruised for the same reason stuck up privileged people today dont care about the starving kids in Africa--she has never seen or experienced it. When reading Macbeths letter that told of the witches prophecy she said, Yet do I fear thy nature it is too full o the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way. She wanted to take the quick and dirty route to royalty (murder), but didnt think Macbeth was up to it. S he has never killed anyone (as far as we know), so she doesnt understand why it would be so difficult. Macbeth is a battle-hardened soldier who is no terra incognita to danger. He has killed more than a few men, women, and children in his day. Were informed of that at the opening of the play when a sergeant tells of how Macbeth hunted down Macdonwald and unseamed him from the nave to the chaps and unbending his head upon our battlements. But Macbeth knew the difference between right and wrong. Macdonwald was a traitor and fully deserved to be cut in half. Killing Duncan was a antithetical story. Murdering a good king/friend in order to gain wealth and power is not very P.C. and is downright immoral. When Lady Macbeth brought up sidesplitting the king he was hesitant to talk about such a thing, then blew her off and said, We will speak further. Of course, being the whipped little mamas boy that he is, he was talked into her fiendish conspiracy plan. When it came right down to it, Lady Macbeth couldnt kill Duncan. She says, Had he not resembled my father as he slept, I had donet. Of course that is a bunch of BS in reality she was just too fainthearted to get the job done.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Heredity and Hormones Effect on Behavior Essay -- essays research pape
Human behavior has been a closed book to scientists and psychologists for years. What causes humans to act the way they do? Is it learned by experience, or inherited from prior generations? The human brain is a complex machine driven by numerous intangibles that influence our intellection process right away and indirectly. The endocrine system in the human body stores a chemical known as endocrines. Hormones are released by endocrine glands into the blood stream and travel throughout the body carrying messages. A hormonal impulse is similar to a nerve impulse only much slower. The messages carried by the hormones trigger diverse behaviors. Hormones give notice affect behavior in many ways such as Mental activity or tiredness, boredom or excitement, sexual behavior, the tycoon to maintain focus, boldness, the potency of stress, and the admiration of friendship. Hormones can also be a leading factor in whether a person is in a adept mood or a bad mood (Morris & Maisto, 2005).E ndocrine glands located in different parts of the body all release unique hormones, several(prenominal) of these hormones can affect behavior in different ways. The thyroid gland, located beneath the voice box releases the hormone known as thyroxin. Thyroxin is the hormone responsible for regulating the level of metabolism in a human body. at that placefore, thyroxin can be related to the amount of energy one has, their dormancy habits, ability to focus and concentrate, and even their individual temperament. The pituitary gland, located on the bottom side of the brain, produces a variety of hormones, some of which affect human behavior. These hormones can have an affect on sexual conduct and desire (Morris & Maisto, 2005). The gonads in the human body differ depending on the sex of the human. T... ...utionary psychologists believe that behavior is not influenced by environments or situations but by natural instincts that have been inherited through a process known as natural ex cerpt. Natural selection suggests that only those who posses survival traits and adapt well to their surroundings survive and pass on these traits to offspring (Morris & Maisto, 2005).Human behavior remains a great mystery to psychologists and there is really no evidence that pinpoints the exact cause of our behavior. Some things are certain, genes and hormones directly affect behavior, but the extent of this influence is still debatable. There are many intangibles that are factored in when considering human behavior but no single factor shows evidence of how our minds make decisions. Human behavior is directly influenced by decisions, and decisions are apparently not an exact science.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Compare and Contrast All Quiet on the Western Front and Dulce et Decoru
The poem Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen has a lot In parking areawith All Quiet on the Western Front. By Erich Remarque althoughRemarque never fought in the 1st World War.The Imagery in the prose is more(prenominal) detailed as it has more time todescribe everything The fields are flat. Some people think that thisis better and it gives it a bit more feeling. Were as in the poem,Owen uses lots of utterly hard hitting words such as Obscene as cancerThe poem gives a much more immediate effect in a shorter space oftime. The imagery in the poem is quick and dramatic.The titles of the pieces are ironic All Quiet on the Western Frontand dulce et Decorum est which instrument it is fitting and right. In thePoem everything is tired in the first stanza Of tired, outstrippedFive-Nines This is a hyperbole as bombs dont become tired. The wholeof the war became a sluggish battle. It is excessively a slow pace to startwith in the prose with men looking forward to getting venture the huts for some rest.I wish I were back home. Home - he means the hutsIn the second Stanz...
Swedenââ¬â¢s Industrial Relations :: Economy Economics Politics Goverment Essays
Swedens Industrial RelationsSweden, like the other Nordic countries (Finland, Norway and Denmark) has long been associated with the epitome of the well-being state. This region of the world and Sweden in particular, is well known for its strong labor unions and high union participation. According to the CIA, 91% of the Swedish labor force was nonionised in 1998 (Virn 201). The strong unions in turn elect government officials who tend to be leftist and support unionization and union power, thus construct the welf atomic number 18 state that is modern day Sweden. An analysis of the labor organization and industrial relations of Sweden gives great insight into the fluctuations of the Swedish economy as well as the mindset of the Swedish leaders setting economic policy.Sweden was governed continuously by the Social Democratic party from 1932 until 1976 and the Social Democrats would return to power sporadically from the 80s to the present day. Such a long and continuous period of governance sheds light on two important factors 1) Swedish citizens are highly in favor of the welfare state to elect officials of the Social Democratic party over and over again and 2) the welfare state is late ingrained in the Swedish governance structure. Jan Bohlin agrees that the long era of Social Democrat governmental rule has obviously left its imprint on Swedish society and the 1930s can be seen as the initial phase of an economic political model that matured after the Second World state of war (160). Bohlin separates Swedish economic history into four distinct periods. The first betwixt 1880 and the First World War saw the Swedish government spend to a great extent on infrastructure. The second, starting in the 1930s and ending in the 1960s, the government began using policy to influence economic development and prevent economic downturn. The third, between 1960-80, was characterized by to a greater extent selective yet ambitious government intervention in indu strial relations. Finally, the fourth period, beginning in the 1980s, sees the government returning to more market solutions (152). It is the second of Bohlins four periods that labor unions began to make their rise in Swedish society. As Evelyne Huber suggests, conditions in Scandinavia have thus been very well-to-do for social democracy and their affiliated unions the economics of all four Nordic countries are small all are religiously homogenous and Proestant and only Finland is linguistically divided (116).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Magic Barrel :: Magic Barrel Essays
Who else from any Jewish - American authors can translate Yeddish for the American readers so colorfully and honestly? Who else can represent the reality of Jewish life with love and light irony? This is Bernard Malamud, who was born in family of Russian - Jewish immigrants. He found his characters in real Jewish community. That is why the tone and style of "The Magic Barrel" are so unmistakable and truthful. Through two of import characters author involves us in a specific business going on between Leo Finkle, a lonely rabbinical student, and Pinye Salzman, a matchmaker. In order to get a good congregation Leo supposed to be married. How a man, who was studying for six years and who never was in a company of woman, easily can find a wife? The same way as his parents did. He went to the matchmaker. It was not so easy for Leo to attract to Salzman, because he hoped to find the wife by himself. He wanted to be in love before he gets married. But he resorted to help. It was a firs cartridge clip when he turned his listen over. Pine Salzman, the marriage broker, represented the old generation, and respected the old Jewish tradition. Marriage is a very important incision of a Jews life, and the family is more important than the girl herself is. He does not think about love. It is possible to imagine how Leo was disappointed when Salzmen introduced the girls to him. "Sophie P. Widow. Father promises eight gramme dollars. Has wonderful wholesale business. Also realestate." "Lily H. Regular. Father is successful dentist thirty-five years. Interested in professional man. Wonderful opportunity." Moreover, "She is a partikiler. She wants the best." Leos interest to Lily was aroused, and he began hard to consider calling on her. Finally they met. She provoked him to say the strange, but a very capacious and valuable phrase "I think, that I came to deity not because I loved Him, but because I did not." But Lily didnt dream ab out him, she dreamed about an invented hero. After this date he turned his mind over again. He felt that he could not love a girl. Although Leo returned to his regular routine, he was in panic and depression from one suasion nobody loves him and he does not love anybody either. There was no bride for him.
The Magic Barrel :: Magic Barrel Essays
Who else from any Jewish - American authors can translate Yeddish for the American readers so colorfully and honestly? Who else can represent the human beings of Jewish life with love and light irony? This is Bernard Malamud, who was born in family of Russian - Jewish immigrants. He found his characters in real Jewish community. That is why the tone and style of "The Magic Barrel" are so unmistakable and truthful. Through two main characters author involves us in a specialised business going on between Leo Finkle, a lonely rabbinical student, and Pinye Salzman, a matchmaker. In order to get a good sheepfold Leo supposed to be married. How a man, who was studying for six years and who never was in a company of woman, easily can find a wife? The same way as his parents did. He went to the matchmaker. It was not so easy for Leo to appeal to Salzman, because he hoped to find the wife by himself. He wanted to be in love before he gets married. But he resorted to help. It was a firs time when he turned his mind over. Pine Salzman, the sexual union broker, represented the old generation, and respected the old Jewish tradition. Marriage is a very important part of a Jews life, and the family is more important than the girl herself is. He does not think about love. It is possible to imagine how Leo was disappointed when Salzmen introduced the girls to him. "Sophie P. Widow. Father promises eight thousand dollars. Has wonderful wholesale business. Also realestate." "Lily H. Regular. Father is fortunate dentist thirty-five years. Interested in professional man. Wonderful opportunity." Moreover, "She is a partikiler. She wants the best." Leos interest to Lily was aroused, and he began seriously to consider calling on her. Finally they met. She create him to say the strange, but a very capacious and valuable phrase "I think, that I came to God not because I loved Him, but because I did not." But Lily didnt dream about him, she dreamed about an invented hero. After this date he turned his mind over again. He felt that he could not love a girl. Although Leo returned to his regular routine, he was in panic and depression from one thought nobody loves him and he does not love anybody either. there was no bride for him.
Monday, May 27, 2019
My choice of topic falls on the first one â⬠the Barbara case
This story is about delivery of new born and the plectron of shake before the birth of a child. The parents can actually have babies of the desired sex at the desired time. It also talks about choosing barely choosing the characters of a baby. This story also tells about ii women living to repayher and having to bring away a child, fulfilling their dreams. They need not necessary adopt a baby who does not carry their blood. So generally the story is about reproduction, parenthood and choices of it.There is also an element of same sex marri days, the rights to it and legalization of the same. There is the sample of man and woman relationship that one of Dan and Barbara and an example of the woman and woman one but the bottom line here is that both sets of couples have brought forth babies. The common thing about the babies is that their parents chose the characters of their babies. My response to the read story is that it is such a engineering is real dish outing wad especial ly in this age where parents can not afford many babies.So getting the right sex as per the parents desire is something really good. The other very important thing is that the parents get to know if they are expecting a boy or a girl, they get to shop for the right stuff in advance, and also get the best form for the baby. I fully agree with the writer about Barbara wanting two babies a boy and a girl. It is so wonderful that technology will help people realize their dreams. I found a new thing that some hereditary factors can be altered.When Barbara says and while I was at it, I made sure that Max wouldnt turn out to be fat like my brother Tom, or addicted to alcohol like Dans sister Karen this surprised me that one can refuse their kids to carry a negative gene thats in the family This makes me think that at this rate, with the current technology even diseases that run through some families will be dealt with such that babies will be enjoying perfect health. It makes me wonder i f crippled people be no more. Perhaps technology can detect this earlier and fix the problem. In my understanding science and technology will outdo nature.When this technology was lacking people just waited for nature to take its course about sex and character of a baby. Parents only knew what they had expecting after it was actually born. I really dislike the two mothers part. Although people should be given the right to choose how they will lead their lives I quite dislike this one thing about same sex marrying. I think it is only fair for a child to have a mother and a father. Not two fathers or two mothers. I really like the fact that the two can realize their dreams of having a baby. The fact that the baby has both parents genes is to me better than the two women having to adopt a baby.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Bus 421 Final
BUS 421 Final Case Scenario 1 Thomas Edison State College October 2012 Emily Schemelia Executive Summary Case Scenario 1 Given the change magnitude regulations of the Internet and email by the G all overnment of mainland China, recommend to the CEO of Google whether the company should address to operate in China, the manhoods fastest and among the largest growth markets. Google should emphatically continue operations in China, rase if it means limiting the amount of information that is disseminated to Google China.While filtering information is the opposite of e verything Google stands for, Google can still disseminate information to the Chinese public while abiding by the information laws set up by the Chinese Government. The fact is that if Google doesnt provide its information services to China, not only will a competitor step in and abode by the Chinese Government limitations on information, but the information that it would disseminate whitethorn be far less superior.There fore, in the hope that the Chinese Government decrease its information limitations, Google should provide its service to China as China comprises over 1. 3 billion race and has the power of not only furthering Google, but the universe of discourse as tumesce. In my research, the point of discussion is whether Google should move out or not, and why or why not. In this paper I will be presenting issues in regards to the markets in China and the returns that these markets have for Google in order to continue its operations.I will also discuss in the various challenges and problems that Google faces in China. Marketing in Chain China is a very large country and the creation of the country is also very large. China provides various line of reasoning opportunities around the world and that Google is one of them. Many companies had taken the chance of venturing into the Chinese markets and most of them atomic number 18 making great progress. They are all on that point for the purpo se of making sure that they achieve their targets to a higher level (Bracker, 2011).The Chinese markets are very unique and China has the ability to attract all different kinds of companies on a larger level. Because of this, there is a case that companies like Google, look away to making sure that they penetrate the market in order to produce better outcomes, which also leads to a fast growth for the organization. The economy in China is doing well. China has in its recent years reached pecuniary stability. This is due to the fact that there is a high level of domestic demand. Because of this, many companies around the world begin to invest in the Chinese market.China is also one of the fastest growing when it comes to Information Technology and has been able to attract companies such as Google and even Microsoft. It has been forecasted that the Internet industry in China is expected to increase at a rate of about ten percent within the next volt years. This is great news becaus e Google will be able to benefit. Advantages of Doing Business in China As mentioned previously, there are many organizations around the whole world that perform their profession in China. They do business sector in China due to the fact that China has a reliable market.It is also expected that the organizations doing business in China will continue to grow. Some advantages of doing business in China are that it is a major emerging market around the world. to a fault there are a lot of opportunities for organizations to invest in China for a longer period of time due to expanding of technology and resources. Another advantage is that there is cheap labor, which helps many companies succeed. With the availability of cheap labor can result in the reduction of cost for the companies that invest in Chain.Challenges of Working in China Like any other country, there are nearly challenges associated when doing business in China. An organization intending on conducting business in China should meditate various important things prior to moving forward in actually doing business. If they do not rent certain things, then the company may be lead into trouble, which can endanger the companies investments. One major challenge in doing business in China is the difference in culture. Most Chinese people do not speak English, and the few that do have a very unique accent.Because of this, Google needs to be able to respect and try to need employees who are familiar in this accent so that they will be able to communicate with people domestically. Another challenge in relation to conducting business in China is intense competition from domestic companies. In addition to this, a company should perform their activities in a manner that attracts the acceptance of its products by the customers in the domestic market. Based on when was mentioned above, it can be said that there is a definite case of certain challenges for foreign companies like Google in China.If success has to be achieved, then Google need to work against these challenges in a proper manner so that Google can stay in China and rule be put in jeopardy. Decision to Continue Working in China Putting all these factors into consideration, Google has to take a make a blind drunk decision in whether they should continue to operate in China, or not. Google has to consider that there is huge growth in their markets and that even with the limitation on some information available, that they can still make progress in their growth. Because of this, Google should continue operating in Chine into the future (Weiss, 2008).Google needs to do a constitutional review of the Chinese markets and take into consideration of all the financial implications associated with the potential of moving their business out of this market. The market in China is one of the strongest and largest in the world and if Google continues to operate in the country, then it is obvious that that they will have various benefits t hat will be available for its growth now as well as in the future. All the new progress being made in China will help Google to stay in the market. Though there are restrictions doesnt mean that Google cannot operate in the country.Google has to consider the financial benefits it will gain if it decides to stay in the market. Taking this into consideration, Google should always continue its business on China. Google needs to expand its operations so that the benefits of China and its services can be appreciated to its full extent. Conclusion In conclusion, Google should strongly consider continuing their business relationship with China. On the basis of the above discussion, it can be said that though there are various problems for Google in China, the financial benefits of working in China are much higher than if they were to move out.With all the factors to consider, Google should definitely continue its operations in China now and in the future. References Thompson, A. A, Peteraf , A. A. , Strickland, L. Gamble, E. J. ( 2012). Crafting and Executing Strategy The Quest for Competitive Advantage-Concepts and Cases 18th ed. New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Bracker, H. (2011). Restrictions of Internet Provided Services in the Peoples Republic of China A brat for Foreign Companies Internet Launch? GRIN Verlag.. Weiss, J. W. (2008). Business Ethics A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach. (5th ed. ). Cengage Learning.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
BlackBerry Mobiles Technology and Usage Essay
This composition is about berry mobiles technology and usage. Technology can be defined as a course of knowledge that shows ways and subject matter of producing goods and assistants. It is in addition defined a lick of applying the knowledge to meet the involves of the market. almosttimes it so happens that individuals mix up the concept of technology and engineering. Engineering is a goal oriented process which means that it makes and designs tools and placements for practical human give and means. Whereas technology is a consequence of engineering, which means that the engineers use the education that already exists to make rude(a) tools and designs.Black Berry is a wireless handle kink, by that it means is that, blackberry is a PDA chic rally. PDAs contain fast processors and software package that recognizes and digitizes handwriting, hand printing and hand drawings. They have pressure sensitive layer uniform graphics pad under their slate like liquid crystal d isplay (LCD) screen. So instead of writing on a piece of paper form fastened to a clipboard or using a keyboard subterfuge, you use a pen to make a selection or selections like station an e-mail and enter hand written data directly into a computer.This paper is going to explain in detail the technology that is used in the mobile and that how does this technology works. This paper is going to explain in detail the benefits and the limitations of the technology on with the costs of this technology. This paper is divided into six parts, they are as follows- Introduction Methodology Benefits of the technology Limitation of the technology Cost of the technology Conclusion Introduction blackberry bush is mostly know for its sending and receiving electronic mails, where ever so it can intercept a wireless network of a cell border carrier.As we know that BlackBerry is a hand held thingamajig, the mobile is also wireless. BlackBerry was introduced in the industry as a two way p ager in the year 1999. In 2002 the smart audio commonly known as the BlackBerry was released in the market, this mobile phone is supported by features like push e-mail i. e. sending and receiving e-mails around the globe, mobile telephone for fashioning calls, text messaging, internet faxing, nett browsing and as well as other wireless based information service. The mobile is the best example of a convergent thingmabob because it has a multi touch interface and it easy to use as well.A survey was conducted in 2008 and it was found that the BlackBerry mobile phone is being used by approximately 21 million people around the globe. (BlackBerry, 2009) BlackBerry was introduced in the market by a Canadian follow called Research in Motion (RIM), the phone became such a success due to its e-mail sending and receiving option. The company also provides BlackBerry e-mail service this can be done through the BlackBerry Connect software, to those devices which are non related to the Blac kBerry mobile for example, the Palm Treo.There are antithetic models of BlackBerry mobile phones that have been introduced in the market, some of them are as follows- Early Pager Models 850, 857, 950, 957 Monochrome Java-based Models 5000-serial publication and 6000-series First Color Models 7200-series, 7500-series and 7700-series First Sure role Phone Models 7 coulomb-series Modern BlackBerry Models (2006 2008) 8000-series including BlackBerry 8800. BlackBerry Pearl and BlackBerry Curve Latest BlackBerry Models (2008 2009) Bold (9000), BlackBerry 8220, BlackBerry Curve 8900, tempest (9500/9530) (BlackBerry, 2009) MethodologyBlackBerry Operating System (OS) The most important arrangement software for any technological systemal device is the run system (OS). An operating system is the combination of different programs that manage and control the operation of the CPU it also controls the input and the railroad siding along with storage and lets not forgets the activitie s of the device and lastly it also provides different support services and the device performs the natural covering programs for the user. The important activity of the operating system is to maximize the productivity of the device by operating in the most efficient manner.And it must be remembered that the operating system reduces the amount of human intervention that is required in the actual affect. The operating system helps the device like BlackBerry perform basic operations like entering data, saving and retrieving wedges, approachinging a network or blush displaying output of the screen. As it is a known fact that the operating systems are considered to be the most indispensible components of the software interface between the users and the hardware of their device systems. (Mihale, 2009)The operating system of any device actually performs five basic functions in the operations of a device. These functions are as follows providing a user interface, resource management, t ask management, file management and utilities and support service. BlackBerry operating system is considered to be a platform of proprietary software, which was introduced in the cellular phone industry and market by the Canadian company called Research In Motion (RIM) for their product the BlackBerry, which as we know is a hand held device which comes in handy for individuals who are in the line of business.The software allows the users to do multi tasking with the help of the phone, and the software also uses a gravid deal of input devices like the thumbwheel in the cellular phone. The operating system of the phone provides a great deal of support to Mobile Information Device Profile (in our case especially to MIDP1. 0) and as well to Wireless performance Protocol (especially to WAP1. 2 as well). The last versions of the BlackBerry made sure that there was a wireless synchronization between Microsoft Exchange servers e-mail and calendar and along with the Lotus Dominos e-mail a s well.OS 4 is being used these days in the BlackBerry which provides a subset of MIDP 2. 0 to the users of the phone, and the OS 4 makes sure that there is wireless activation and synchronization completely between the Microsoft Exchange Servers e-mail, calendar, tasks, notes and contacts, and the OS 4 also supports the Novell GroupWise and Lotus Notes additionally as well. (Hoffman, 2007) Software can be written using the APIs by the third party software, when creating and ontogeny the proprietary software of the BlackBerry the developers can write the software using APIs as well.When doing so the developer must remember that the any kind of an application can create a certain number of restricted functionality when using the software, therefore it must be signed digitally by the developer and that it can be associated with the developer account at Research In Motion (RIM) Company in the future. Another that must be kept in the mind of the developer that the authorship of the so ftware can provide guarantee but it does not provide guarantee for security or the quality of the code. (Mihale, 2009)Central Processing Unit (CPU) Central processing unit (CPU) is the main processing component of a device that is it is the main microprocessor. When talking about it conceptually, the circuitry of a central processing unit can be divided into two major units, i. e. the arithmetic logic unit and the control unit. It is the electronic circuits which are also commonly known as the registers of the arithmetic logic unit, that performs the arithmetic and logical functions which are needed by the software to execute the different software instruction.The previous models of the BlackBerry devices were based on processors called the Intel 80386 processors. The latest series of BlackBerrys, which are called the BlackBerry 9000 series, are based on the microprocessors called the Intel XScale 624MHz CPU. The Intel XScale 624MHz CPU makes the BlackBerry the fastest device in to days time and age. The smart phones of the previous editions of the BlackBerry 8000 series, for example, the 8700 and the Pearl were based on the processors called the 312MHz ARM XScale and ARMv5TE PXA900.But the BlackBerry 8707 was an exception because this phone used the processor bases on the 80MHz Qualcomm 3250 chipset that is this processor is not supporting the 3G networks and this was all due to the processor of the ARM XScale ARMv5TE PXA900. The 80MHz Processor in the BlackBerry 8707 created a series of problems like the speed of downloading (which had become slow) and it also rendered the web pages that were over 3G rather than over EDGE networks.Database The database management approach affects the storage and processing of data. IPD is the database in the BlackBerry in a specific format, which helps to extract data from the BlackBerry to host a personal computer. The IPD format is used in BlackBerry to deal with the bulk load of data, it the most effective and efficient w ay of transferring the data into a device may it be the BlackBerry or a computer.With the help of the IPD format the end user can create a file programmatically, which can then be used by the desktop manager of the BlackBerry to restore the operations of the cellular device. (BlackBerry, 2009) Supporting Software BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) With the help of BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), which is a software package, the devices can be joined with an individuals organizations e-mail system. There are different kinds of versions avail sufficient for products like Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino etc.The end users of the BlackBerry might be able to use an e-mail service without BES installed by themselves in their devices but the different organizations that have multiple users, they need to have a BES installed in their network out front hand if they need to communicate. It must be remembered by the users that every BlackBerry has an id called BlackBerry PIN within th e device, which helps to identify the device to the BlackBerry Enterprise Server of the company. BES acts as a relay for the e-mail service for the corporate accounts that are used by the users so that they have an access to their inbox at anytime of the day.The software of the device keeps a check on the incoming messages, when a new message arrives at the individuals inbox it passes it through the RIMs Network Operations Center (NOC), aft(prenominal) passing it through the NOC the message is then given to the wireless provider of the user and the provider then deliver the message to the BlackBerry device of the user. This process is called the push e-mail, because all the incoming emails along with the users contacts and entries are pushed out of the device automatically.BlackBerry is now also supporting the polling email this is how it is supporting the POP. (Mihale, 2009) Trilateration is a new feature which is included in the newer models of the BlackBerry, this feature has th e ability to track down the users current location, this feature is similar to a GPS but it does not have a clear and precise accuracy as yet due to long distances or the blockages caused by tall buildings or even mountains. transmission control protocol/IP connectivity is available to the BlackBerry devices with the help of BES.The BES provides this service with the help of an element called the Mobile Data Service (MDS), it uses the different platforms like Java ME or the sunshine Microsystems. The BES also provides security to the BlackBerry device to protect it against viruses etc. The security is provided to all kinds of data in the form of Triple DES or AES, which is some sort of an encryption. As we know that the technology of the BlackBerry keeps on improving the use if MDS is no longer needed in the new models of the BlackBerry device for wireless data access as it was needed before.If we look back with the using of BlackBerrys software OS 3. 8 or 4. 0, the phone was able t o access the Internet without the help of an MDS. BES/MDS are still needed for the protection of data in the phone. (Mihale, 2009) Supported Software BlackBerry Messenger The BlackBerry device is now sending and receiving text messages with the help of the software of BlackBerry Messenger through the BlackBerry PIN. The PIN of the device is an eight character hexadecimal identification number, which is appoint to the BlackBerry once and it must be remembered that it cannot be changed.With the help of this the users are able to text to each other or access the internet. Benefits of BlackBerry The benefits of the BlackBerry technology in the business or corporate environment are as follows- The technology has helped with reducing the information processing costs, along with that it has help to reduce the loss of data i. e. for example, the elimination of unnecessary documents that are used in the business environment. And the data is always stored on flash ROM, even the e-mail draf ts are written on the flash ROM as well. The technology has helped with the increase in the operational efficiency of the employees with the organizations that is for example, the employees not waste atomic lime, there is little waste etc. (Hoffman, 2007) The technology has improved the information availability, it has made it convenient for the employees to exchange information with each other quickly and efficiently, for example, the information has become accurate and timely, it reach the decision makers on time to make decisions. It is user friendly and it can be used by any individual, whether it is a teenager or an adult. It is so easy that anyone can teach themselves how to operate this device. The technology has helped to improve the business image, for example, it provides a very progressive image to the supplier along with the investors and customers. The device provides a longer battery life than other cellular devices, for example, an individual can run the messenge r software for approximately 100 hours, and this can help the employees to stay in touch with each other. It provides the best security from all the other technological devices for example, if a BlackBerry is stolen, to access the phone requires cryptographic signing by RIM, before viewing the information in the phone. (Hoffman, 2007) Another benefit of a BlackBerry Technology is that an individual does not need to connect their BlackBerry to a computer so that it can synchronize itself, it can do it with the help of physically attached to a computer, because it operates on a wireless network. Limitation of BlackBerryThe limitations of the BlackBerry technology in the business or corporate environment are as follows- The biggest disadvantage of BlackBerry device is that one individual cannot send an instant text message to another unless he or she doesnt knew their PIN number or code which is assigned to the other device. This can create a hindrance for the employees when they wan t to exchange quick information with each other. Another limitation of technology is that, if an individual cannot use the BlackBerry messenger until or unless the person doesnt have BlackBerry internet plan with them.This finishes of the chance of exchanging quick information from one individual to another. (Hoffman, 2007) The gainsay of working with devices like BlackBerry is the need for speed, sometimes it so happens that the speed of the device is slow, it will create a problem for the employees of the company, because you need a great deal of speed to transfer large amount of information over the wireless network, which in return causes the employees to waste their time and it also becomes costly as well.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Lululemon Athletica
Last week I read a story about yoga clothes-maker/fashion brand Lululemon and their passably blatant shorten for any sort of overweight or plus- coat consumers. In short, they admitted that selling to women who wear size 12 and smaller is an important business schema for them, and that its based on design, capacity and operational perspective. That video seems to only anger some customers more. One wrote in response, On one hand you are bashing us for being plank and on the other hand bashing us for maybe trying to do something about it.Should my risque ass squeeze nto a small size Just so I can say I own a pair no In a video, checkout Wilson, the founder of athletic label Lululemon has apologized for suggesting that womens fat thighs were to blame for a line of yoga knee breeches being recalled for being too sheer lululemon has released the video statement below from CEO Chip Wilson. Its Just shy of a minute, and if you were expecting an apology, this isnt it. The message is confusing, and Im really sad for the repercussions of my actions seems like an apology to lululemon employees, not the consumers.He closes with a cryptic request o stay in the conversation. What do you ring? Are you buying it? So he ended up blaming the customer for the quality control problem within the company, and thats what enraged the customers So, the media rundle to lulu enthusiasts and the customers went pay off ahead and said we have no interest in buying lulu products any more. Lululemon doesnt have the obligation to manufacture yoga pants but blaming customers for their spoilt see through pants wasnt cool either. The rules 1 . A second chance comes after one error, not several. 2. You dont turnNamaste into nasty unless you requisite a solemn time out. 3. Never blame mommys thighs for anything, ever. Just how bad things can get when you refuse to own up to mistakes and choose to blame and vilification others instead. Wilsons eyes get on slightly moist, his voi ce shaking. He seems to be apologizing to his colleagues and appealing for calm, but fails to address any of his controversial comments specifically. The glitches cost the company millions of dollars, damaged its genius and depressed its shell out price. The recall continues to weigh on the companys performance, resulting in late deliveries.Lululemon AthleticaLast week I read a story about yoga clothes-maker/fashion brand Lululemon and their fairly blatant disregard for any sort of overweight or plus-size consumers. In short, they admitted that selling to women who wear size 12 and smaller is an important business strategy for them, and that its based on design, capacity and operational perspective. That video seems to only anger some customers more. One wrote in response, On one hand you are bashing us for being fat and on the other hand bashing us for maybe trying to do something about it.Should my fat ass squeeze nto a small size Just so I can say I own a pair no In a video, Chip Wilson, the founder of athletic label Lululemon has apologized for suggesting that womens fat thighs were to blame for a line of yoga pants being recalled for being too sheer lululemon has released the video statement below from CEO Chip Wilson. Its Just shy of a minute, and if you were expecting an apology, this isnt it. The message is confusing, and Im really sad for the repercussions of my actions seems like an apology to lululemon employees, not the consumers.He closes with a cryptic request o stay in the conversation. What do you think? Are you buying it? So he ended up blaming the customer for the quality control problem within the company, and thats what enraged the customers So, the media spoke to lulu enthusiasts and the customers went right ahead and said we have no interest in buying lulu products any more. Lululemon doesnt have the obligation to manufacture yoga pants but blaming customers for their defective see through pants wasnt cool either. The rules 1 . A sec ond chance comes after one error, not several. 2. You dont turnNamaste into nasty unless you want a serious time out. 3. Never blame mommys thighs for anything, ever. Just how bad things can get when you refuse to own up to mistakes and choose to blame and insult others instead. Wilsons eyes appear slightly moist, his voice shaking. He seems to be apologizing to his colleagues and appealing for calm, but fails to address any of his controversial comments specifically. The glitches cost the company millions of dollars, damaged its reputation and depressed its share price. The recall continues to weigh on the companys performance, resulting in late deliveries.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
I want a wife
She goes on to list all the specific things she would want from a wife for her children which Include keeping up with the their doctor appointments, washout the childrens loathes and keep them mended at all times, tend to their school for events and plays and to also make sure they have adequate social life with their peers. This Is the nonesuch wife any man dreams of. She continues on to say that she wants a wife herself so that she could go to school and further her education.I do not agree that she wants a wife because in my opinion, a husband and wife should take turns doing the house chores, tending to the children and geting. They made a commitment to one another to always be there and tending each other out no matter what circumstances they are put in. My ideal husband would be one of the prince charming from the Disney movies. He would cognise to wake up next to me every morning and tell me to stay in bed so that he could cook breakfast and bring it to me opus I lay i n bed.He would be the husband that asks his wife to be a stay at home wife and mom, if we go under to have kids. We would go on trips all over the world together. He would love to go grocery shopping with me and cook with me or majority of the time for me. He would venerate helping me with the laundry. He would be the kind of husband that would surprise e and plan a dinner date and would take me to a beautiful eating place and would stop and buy me roses on the way.He would enjoy taking me see a movie or a play. He would play hooky and skip work Just because he wants to spend the day with me. My ideal husband would love being married to me and I would tell him every hit day, for the rest of my life, that he Is the love of my life. I would enjoy showing him off to the entire world and for the world to know that he Is all mine. He would help with the kids feeding them, dishwashing them, changing them, helping them with emperor, If we decide to have kids.He would be the kind of hu sband that would enjoy planning holiday trips with me to spend the holidays elsewhere, for Just the two of us. He would be the kind of husband that would love me for eternity. My Ideal husband would be my very best friend and would see me as the only gay being he would ever love passionately and he would know that I feel the exact same way about him. I want a wife By titivation I Want a Wife In Judy Suffers-Brady essay l Want a Wife, she is explaining why she would what an ideal wife for herself.She starts explaining that the ideal wife will work, cook, which include keeping up with the their doctor appointments, washing the childrens and to also make sure they have adequate social life with their peers. This is the single day, for the rest of my life, that he is the love of my life. I would enjoy showing him off to the entire world and for the world to know that he is all mine. He would homework, if we decide to have kids. He would be the kind of husband that would ideal husband w ould be my very best friend and would see me as the only human
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Writing and Proper Supporting Points
I have perpetually used make-up as method to express myself. I wrote for self-pleasure instead of Just to complete an assignment. I knew that writing and being able to express myself would help me to further my education. Before my first day of Composition one, I imagined having a lot of papers to writing in such little time. However, it turned out to be a great experience. Composition one taught me how to improve my writing, expose me to different types of essays and how to overcome uncontrollable tasks. Composition one allowed me to recognize the strengths and weakness in my writing skills.Three of my strongest essays assigned this semester are what you will be viewing in my portfolio. These werent easy, but having the proper commission is what made the difference. The workload did charter hectic at times, because I found myself trying to transition from one genre to another. For me, the idea of outlining a proper dissertation really helped me to write well. I would experiment to see if the quality of my essay would be better if I Just wrote about the topic. I realized that if I properly outlined my thesis, it would give me a path on which I could build my essay.I would use the number of supporting points that I had, to be the amount of paragraphs I would have. By doing this, the structure of my essay would be better. If it wasnt for my Professor focusing on getting the thesis correct. The task of writing and essay would be an extremely embarrassing one. At times, I felt as if I should Just write without paying attention to the thesis but Just as most things, I got used to outlining it. The first essay we were assigned was a literacy narrative. This was a personal essay for me to complete.The literacy narrative allowed me to recollect situations rom my past and piece them on paper. IVe always done this, but I didnt know that things such as a thesis and proper supporting points would make for a better essay. I intimate that the key to a great literacy narrative is to show instead of to tell. The use of details is important in a literacy narrative as it gives the reader the impression of actually being in the situation. My second essay was an evaluation. It required me to be very critical of a certain webpage. Usually when I visit webpages I Just go there to use what suites me.My mind wasnt open to the site layout, how it differs from other ebsite or what could make it better. By doing this essay, I am now more than in tuned to the smallest details in forms of writing that I would happen to come across. I am a soccer fan I enjoy watching, vie or even talking about the game. IVe always wanted to pass on the passion for the game to others. My third essay was a proposal. This essay allowed me to put my dreams into perspective . 1 was able to help a group of coaches learn more about the sport. With that knowledge, they would be able to pass it down to the children.The passion I have for soccer made the proposal the asiest essay IVe done since the semester began. This essay didnt have as much restrictions and rules to it, so it allowed me to interact with my work. I used liveliness situations to bring forth my point. I enjoyed intertwining life with a thing so simple as writing. Of course, by writing over and over, one will get better at it. That wasnt the only way I gained strength and confidence in my writing abilities. Having great feedback from youre pairs is very important. We are all humans and the opinions of others impinge on us in either a good or bad way.I received feedback from my peers, the utors trom the writing center and my protessor. Those different perspectives on my work brought to my attention the things I need to work on. Composition one was definitely not the tedious class that I thought it would be. I didnt think I was going to be groomed to be a better writer. The different exercises that we were exposed to made the class very interesting. It was as if by writing a new essay, a new par t of the brain was being activated. I enjoyed exploring certain thing than the other but the different skills that were being tuned made it worth it.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Life Is a Continuous Journey Essay
Life is a continuous journey. Some journeys are small and some long. Some journeys are sweet and pleasant while some are sour. Some journeys are too memorable to be erased by the sands of time. I had one such experience. The memory of this journey continues to flicker, on and on, in my mind even after several years. We reached on 9th Dec., as our train qualification was for the following day by North- East Express. We reached the station early in the morning, the next day and boarded the train. The train started off at 6.00 a.m. I sat by the window and enjoyed the passing scenery. The sights of numerous rivers, bridges, countryside, evergreen paddy fields, lush green tea gardens, vast plains, etc. enchanted me a lot. In the late good afternoon we reached Rajshahi station, which is the gateway to khulna. Some of us got out of the train to have a look at the station. The hustle and bustle of people moving about, the coming and dismissal of trains and the enticing sights of the vari ous stalls of the station attracted our attention and we too moved about the platform enjoying these sights. We didnt realise how quickly the time had passed.Suddenly we axiom our train moving. We were at the far end of the platform and ran with all speed and might to catch the train. I was the last to notice the movement of the train and so the last to recreate. I too ran after my friends to catch the train. just now the train was moving fast. Within moments my friends managed to get in. As I was about to reach the train, I slipped and fell on the platform. I saw my train speeding away before my sight. I shivered with fear. My friends were shouting at the top of their voice asking me to run faster. Just then a coolie lifted me and ran with me to the door, where my friends pulled me in. I just looked back and waved my hands at the good Samaritan, who had helped me-1 got only a glimpse of his face. But that face continues to remain afresh in my mind.The incident deeply scared me a nd I dared not to move an inch from my seat thereafter. It took some time for me to notice from the shock. The wonderful sights of New Delhi and Agra failed to bring back my lost enthusiasm and interest. I dont even remember what I saw and how the rest of the hostile expedition ended. The incident at the N.J. P Railway Station was too great to be forgotten by a few passing bliss. I stop never forget this memorable journey. The reminiscences of this journey often flicker in my mind every now and then. Whenever this happens, I say a short supplication for the kind and unknown Samaritan, who helped me on that fateful day to get into the train. It was, by far, the most unforgettable journey of my life- a journey that has left its deep scars on the canvas of my life.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Othello in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play Essay
Othello is macrocosmipulated to trust Iago kind of than his wife. Iago uses fake say against Desdemona in an act to prove she is cheating on her husband. Iago uses racism and past experiences to persuade Othello into believe he is non tidy enough for his wife as well as her not being good enough for him. Othello choses to confide Iago over his wife for the reason that she has only her word to back up her story while Iago has nasty shew. Iago plants fake secernate in the form of a handkerchief delivered by Desdemona to lead Othello into believing his wife is having an affair with another man. By mistake, Othello blocks Desdemonas handkerchief laying on the ground and Emilia, Iagos wife finds it but fails to re sport it. Although Iago cannot witness Cassio and Desdemona having sex, he promises Othello he will find hard evidence of the affair. Iago creates a fake story claiming to have seen Cassio with Desdemonas handkerchief give to her by Othello.He claims the evidence is backed by imputation and strong circumstances (3.3.407) and reassures Othello he is only trying to lead him to the door of uprightness (3.3.408). Iago falsely tells Othello that he must re-think the situation but by that point, Othello had his mind set to kill his close in wife as he cries O, blood, blood, blood (3.3.454). The hard evidence planted by Iago was so in effect(p) to get Othello to believe his wife was involved with Cassio due to its deep personal roots of the couples love. The handkerchief was given to Desdemona by her husband as a token of his love and the framing of her giving it to another man showed Othello that she doesnt value their love anymore. He does not bother to simply ask Desdemona if she was having an affair because he knows she is now untrustworthy and will simply deny the eitheregations if challenged. By breaking d have got the trust among Othello and Desdemona with his hard evidence, Othello now trusts Iago and not his wife.The hard evidence cemen ts Othellos trust in Othello although none of it is really true. With Othellos trust, Iago can more substantially manipulate the framing of Desdemona and Cassio, as Othello will believe anything verbalize by Iago. Throughout the novel, racism plays a crucial role in persuading Othello to think he is not deserving of Desdemonas love. Iago is perhaps the most racist character but the negative judgments of Othello based upon his carry be contributed from all Venetian citizens of Venice. He is judged to beharsh and rough just because he is black. He is referred to as an old black ram (1.1.89), an erring barbarian (1.3.350) and a Barbary horse (1.1.112) by Iago to let Othello know he is considered to be less important and valuable due to his skin colour. Roderigo also openly degrades Othello by referring to him as thick lips (1.1.67) and lascivious moor (1.1.126) which break him down and forms insecurities about his race.His insecurities in turn lead Othello to believe he is not wor thy of Desdemona. Iago also warns Othello that if Desdemona was willing to leave her father, she is likely to do the same with him. Even her own father says, She has decievd her father and may thee (1.3.290) proving to Othello that those close to Desdemona have been deceived and she efficiency do the same to him. Iago later echoes Brabantios words by stating, She did deceive her father, marrying you (3.3.208), which solidifies Othellos distrust in his own wife. The combination of Iago being perceived as honest and appropriateing and Othellos gullibility allow for Iago to easily manipulate Othello. Othello is vulnerable to the perceived notion that his wife did not truly love him and could easily leave him all due to the colour of his skin. He is certainly not jealous of his wife but rather scared of the prospect of her leaving him due to his colour.As he becomes vulnerable, Othello is soothed by fake candor contact Iago as he is refereed to as Honest Iago (1.3.290). Iago has no evidence or past experiences to lessen his trustiness to Othello while his wife Desdemona has been framed by Iago specifically to create doubt-allowing Othello to question her loyalty to him. The constant charm by Iago and the question surrounding Desdemona eventually lead to Othello to fully trust Iago and being persuaded to kill his own wife. The motive behind the killing of Desdemona was not from jealousy but rather in a belief forced upon him by the almost superhuman art of Iago .. and must have entertained who had believed Iagos honesty as Othello did. (Samuel Coleridge).What Coleridge is suggesting is that the motive behind Othello wanting to kill his wife was not jealousy, but rather all of Othellos trust was to Iago therefore he could be easily manipulated. Iago gained all of Othellos trust and utilize it to manipulate Othello into killing Desdemona contributing to his overall plan. Iago gains Othellos trust by using hard evidence and racism. Othello doesnt simply ask Des demona if she were having an affair because he doesnot trust her anymore. Othellos tragic choices are driven by revenge on his wife for being untrustworthy while in humanity she was loyal to him. Iagos lying and deceiving leaves many of his friends dead and leads to his torture and downfall.Work Cited PageShakespeare, William. Othello. Oxford School Shakespeare. Ed. gypsy Gill Oxford Oxford University Press, 1989. Print Coleridge, Samuel. Othello The Bradley view (& Coleridge). English Class Handout, 2014. Print.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Psychology First Impression Essay
The aim of the containk was to go for out a similar study of Lu chins(1957) which found that the origin piece of education received most an individual often bears more weight ( stronger ) than information gained later so as to see whether inaugural seal is relevant in the 21st century. The alternative meditation is that there will be a significant difference in the anatomy of positive and negative ranting between the positive primacy meeting and the negative primacy group.Th is study was a field experiment with an independent groups design The independent protean was whetherpositive primacy story or negative primacy story given to the participant and the dependant variable was the number of positive or negative rating given to the shell (Bob). On 21st June 2008 at nigh 1230 pm, we went to the Chester le-street front street, an opportunity sample of 30 participants (15 participants in each groups) 16-59 years grey-haired were utilise. There were both groups of partic ipants reading either positive primacy story or negative primacy story.For positive primacy story, the character (Bob) was described as extrovert first, then(prenominal) introvert and for negative primacy story, Bob was introvert first, then extrovert. after they were given a questionnaire to rate Bob in terms of certain personality traits. A chi square test was used to analysis the results. The Observed value of Chi squared was T = 20 and the Critical value was 3. 84 . As the observed value is higher than the critical value, the alternative hypothesis can be accepted at p less than or equal to 0. 05. Therefore, it seems from the earlier research that the order in which the information is received has an impact on whimsy formation.Therefore, the aim of this research isto see whether the first conception is relevant in the 21st century (the first information received has a greater impact on impression formation than the second information). Introduction How do we form judgements a nd impressions of pile? Within moments of meeting someone, we look at their appearance, clothing style, hair-style, language, accent or ethnicity, this makes us form an impression of a complete stranger within seconds of meeting him or her. These first impressions of others stem from the perceptions and judgements we make ground on the first time we meet.Have you even experienced that if the first impression of someone is unfavourable, a subsequent smile may be seen as a sneer or as oily? One of the first major studies into impression formation was carried out by Asch (1946), he used two lists of six adjectives describing a person ( intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn and envious ) ,one was arranged in the above order, another was the turn around . Participants were asked to rate the person out of 10 (where 10 means a very positive impression of the person).He found that those who read the first group ofadjectives form a more positive impression of the person . His study suggested that a primacy effect occurs because the initial traits in a sequence set the stage for the interpretation for later traits. In effect, the meaning of each new adjective was interpreted in illuminate of the ones already received. Aschs contention was that the total assessment would reflect a dynamic process in which the crash traits would interact to form a unitary impression. In general, his study suggested that earlier traits have a greater influence on impression formation.A study conducted by Luchins in 1957 also throws some light on how we form impressions. He aimed to see if the order of information in which they received affects their opinion. Participants were given a story to read slightly an imaginary person (Jim) who first appears to a cheerful character and then rather sad and lonely. A second group of participants are given the same information that in the reverse order. Afterwards all participants are asked to rate the person in the story in terms of certain personality traits.He found that the participants who hear the story with the positiveone first will rate the person more positively. Luchins suggested that impressions were strongly influenced by the order in which we receive information about people. The first information we receive is the most important and most likely to be remembered. Asch and Luchins used hypothetical people in their study. However, Jones et al (1968) used an actual person.Participants watched a video of a learner solving a set of multiple choice questions with the frequency of correct answers either increasing or decreasing, but actually the assimilator always solved 15 out of the 30 correctly, participants were asked to ratethe student s intelligence, they judged the student as more intelligent when the first 15 were right (primacy effect), also, when asked to recall how legion(predicate) correct those who had seen student perform first 15 correct estimated 20/30 those who had seen the la st 15 correct estimated 12/30.These studies provide evidence for primacy effect the greater impact of what we first learn about someone (first impressions) and suggest that once one determines they have an acceptable understanding of the information presented to them, they will redress less attention as moreinformation is presented and only recall the first impression. In present tense 21st century, many society factors have been changed, for example, internet is widely used over the world today, as well as many social networking websites e. g.Facebook and MySpace, the effect of first impression might be changed. In order to investigate whether the primacy effect still prevails in todays society. I will be adapting Luchins research and writing my own paragraphs story 1 & 2(see appendices 1). I will be using 11 categories for participants to choose from in order to force a bias.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
How Students Can Improve Their Self-Discipline and Time Management Skills
Introduction quantify centering, although its verge may be a misnomer, is about managing your conviction with a focus on movement of doing and complemental those things which you want to do and which need doing. (Adair, J., Thomas, N. 2004, p.4). A good clock management strategy can be accompanied by a range of techniques in managing time when passing a certain task or goals within a pay equal to(p) epoch. There are numerous types of students around the world ranging from preschooler to teeming time studies to representing adults, including myself, look ating part time courses. Students tend to procrastinate and get take awayed from counselling their meet. Therefore, it is important for students to manage their time well and train their self-discipline since young to stay focus in their studies. In this essay, we allow for be focusing and applying suggestions outlined by Adair, John (1987) and Masterton, Alisa (1997) to discuss more(prenominal) on how students ca n improve their self-discipline and time management skills. John Adair Time draw offmentOther than being organized or efficient, John Adair believes that time management should be goal-driven and results-oriented. There are ten conventions of time management as outlined by John Adair as follows Develop a sense of personal timeIt is important for us as a student to understand and analyses how to spend and improve the time available to us as the first step to change. Students can keep a record of their time spent such as daily time log and then review it after a few sidereal days. By doing this, it pull up stakes swear out the students to understand how they return responded to various tasks at different times of the day and may place or improve accordingly to their needs. In fact, students will get a much better pure tone such as the feeling of satisfaction for the way they spend their time.As mentioned in Adair, J., Thomas, N. (2004, p.9), students are to ensure the followi ngs in order for them to improve the practise of timeYour time is spent according to a clear sentiment of your priorities and main responsibilities.You isolate the unimportant and ruthlessly prune out unnecessary or unproductive activities.You flow any free time (i.e. free from meetings or other peoples demands) to create substantive and usable time of your own.Tasks are simplified where others would not beadversely affected.You are not doing tasks which could be performed by others.An example of time logSource Adair, J., Thomas, N. (2004, p.8) Identifying long-term goalsIt may be worth for students to shine and identifying their long-term goals as it provides them with a sense of purpose and direction to acquire. Any potential conflicts can in any case be recognized during this process. For instance What do we want to be in 3 or 5 years time?What strengths and weaknesses do we have?How can we improve?Walt Goodridge provides 5-steps approach which can be put together into i mplement for students to fate up their goalsStep 1 Find your WhyIt is crucial to understand the flat coat when doing certain things.Step 2 Write your goals downThis motivates students to work for their goals.Step 3 Quantify your goalsStudents should ward off doubts or creating fuzzy goals. They should bespecific when scope out goals.Step 4 Break them downIt will be much easier and manageable for students, especially those who love to procrastinate, to accomplish their goals by breaking down them into smaller parts.Step 5 Develop a strategyStudents should prioritize their task by working out a plan to accomplish their desire goals.Make middle-term plansMiddle-term plans can be seen as running(a) plan which may help students to achieve their long term-goals by setting out who? What? When? Where? How? And Why? Adair, J. has set out an acronym to set targets which are known as S.M.A.R.T.Specific the target must be clear and unambiguousMeasurable a concrete criteria is needed for measuring the progress in achieving the target Attainable it emphasizes the importance of targets that are veridical and attainable Relevant the target must be in alignment with other targets whether it is worthwhile or right time etc. Time bound the target to be set within a time frame, for instance, a target date, to help students to focus their efforts in completing their task before the due date. Planning the dayAdair, J (2004) also emphasizes that the golden rule is to shape the plan an outline for each day by listing the various components. This can help students to categorize and prioritize in congeneric to the goad and importance task accordingly. Students need to understand and distinguish important and urgent term accordingly. Important activities have a result which leads to the operation of students goals while urgent activities require immediate attention which often associated with the achievement of someone elses goals. Student may use below Time Management Mat rix which is a useful tool to set their priorities.Time Management MatrixSource Adair, J., Thomas, N. (2004, p.14) Students may face difficulties in juggling with so many responsibilities. Therefore, students should also include in their systems for identifying what must be done today, should be done today and what baron be done today (Adair, J., Thomas, N. 2004, p.15) Make best use of your timeThere are certain times where students are more productive than other times. Therefore, it is a must to know which of the quality times students are mentally alert and consistent in performing their task. Breaks in between will also help students to work in concentrated burst. However, students should not take this opportunity to procrastinate in between. Organize office workStudents will need a convenient place to study that is free from distractions in order to be able to focus better. It is also prudent for students to avoid on spending so much time teaching which can be easily forgotten .Therefore, it is encouraged for students to follow the following stepsStep 1 ferment your environmentAs mentioned earlier, it is important to have a convenient environment to study. There are many things which can distract students from doing their work diligently. Therefore, students have to find ways to overcome these challenges and manage their self-discipline.Step 2 Establishing a daily routineIt would be much easier once the students have created a routine to manage their plans. This may thus help to avoid procrastination and improve self-discipline. Manage meetings effectivelyIt is encouraged for students to prepare well in advance before attendance to any workshops or classes to enable them to have a clearer idea on the concepts that are relevant to that picky workshop and thus being able to contribute to the discussion. Delegate effectivelyIn students context, it may be a principle which is indirectly in relation to getting others to take some of their workload to enable them to have more time to study. For instance, a working student may request the boss to delegate some of the work responsibilities to someone else so that he/she can leave work at reasonable time to study at home. This may increase the opportunity for students to have more free time to study. Make use of affiliated timeStudents can make use of their available time more effectively to increase their achievement level. This can be done by doing productive activities to schedule alongside which have to be committed to other activities in their daily routines or during waiting time and travel time. For instance, student may use the opportunity of the long lunch break by reading through and through some of the lectures or articles. Manage your healthIt is vital for students to look after their energy and stamina levels as time management is about ensuring that they maximise their available time wisely. This is to ensure that students do not suffer any time deprivation through illness of mind or body. In other words, it is important for students to have a well-balanced life.Bad management in both time and stress can push either of them out of control. Students are and so encouraged to keep themselves healthy and stress-free during their break times by doing certain activities which will helps to clear their mind.Alisa Masterton Time ManagementOther than Adairs (1987) list of ten principles for better time management, Alisa Masterton (1997) also outlines a similar list which may assist students as follows PlanningPlanning helps student to have an overview of the needs to be done with given due date in order for them to accomplish or achieve certain task.PriortisingStudents tend to start prioritizing on tasks that await urgent however are actually which are not the most important ones. Therefore, it is prudent for them to do things that are of equally important. No time squanderStudents should avoid doing things that are not important to prevent themselves fro m wasting any unnecessary time.Learning to say noStudents must avoid from doing task or taking on tasks which does not fit them in. For instance, when they became too pre-occupied and stressed with their own workload, they may not be able to do things effectively.Controlling paperworkIt is important to be organized to avoid missing datelines, losing important things which may lead to waste of time in searching for missing items.The diary as a toolHaving a diary may help students to keep track of what needs to be done with the given due date in relation to the plan and priorities which has been set out.ConclusionFrom time to time, students may face problems in doing their task efficiently and effectively. The main challenges are procrastination and distraction or even having trapped of perfectionism which may hinder the chances to success and thus results in failure. Students who practice good time management skills is often that they are more productive, having more energy to achiev etheir task or goals, feeling less stress, having the ability in getting more things done. Both Adairs (1987) and Mastertons (1997) time management techniques are helpful for students to manage their time well. Students can balance their time management strategy that works best to be more effectively, productive and thus improve their self-discipline.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Is Illegal Immigration Harmful to the United States Essay
The mighty tides of immigration bring to us assorted languages, opinions, customs, and principles (Immigration opposing views 26). Immigrants from on the whole over the world contri ande to the coupled States by revitalizing cities, building the economy, and bringing their activating culture to the compressed society of America. Ab show up 12 zillion people in the unify States be accompaniment il de jure (scholastic, New York Times Subtitle) solo be bowel movement of the U.S code title 8 1325, which states that you hold substantiate committed a federal execration if an improper entry has been attempted by an alien (legal information institute par. 1). extrajudicial immigration should non be considered harmful to the United Sates hence, it m grey-haireds society into a multi cultural and prosperous pastoral. The catamenia immigration policy brings tension to family ties and tears them apart. About one one thousand million spouses and children wait daily for visas i n hopes of reuniting with their families (immigration opposing views 138-139).In some cases children argon left behind in the c are of their grandparents or uncles, temporary hookup their parents go in search of a best job and a new life in order to support their family, or go back to their alkali country to resume their lives while their children eng stop overer a founder education, which causes umpteen children separation anxiety. A reporter interviewed a 23 year old who now is in the process of becoming legal because of the Dream act. From now on she pull up stakes be cognise as subject A.She archetypal came here from Nicaragua legally with her contract on the year of 2001 to throw remote Christmas with her family. She has an older sister ( reconcile B) who was already here when subject A arrived. Subject B came to the United States from Nicaragua legally in the year of 1998, as her 15th birthday present, as she was visiting a category 5 Hurricane, known as hurricane Mitch struck all of Central America and the Yucatan peninsula but Honduras and Nicaragua were especially hit hard, on October 22 of 1998 (hi reputation par. 2 & 3), which did not allow her to go back to Nicaragua.As a result of all the damage done by the deadly storm the United States lend a helping make it to those countries in need by granting TPS (temporary protected status) to migrants of those countries. Subject B was eligible to receive TPS on January ordinal 1999 she was attached an employment authorization document (EAD) and was granted travel authorization if it was needed, as intumesce as the reassurance that she could not be removed from the United States. Subject B was not able to fly out, so she had to stay with her mothers sister also subjects B aunt (subject D).Subject D as very close with subject A and B they level off sometimes aphorism them as their here and now parents. Subject A and C had to fly back home, as Subject A had to return to her level(p) life, as Subject A approached the age of 13 she was told she had a colon disease which could not be treated in Nicaragua because of the escape of technology advancement. She quickly returned to the United States with her mother. As she stayed for near 3 months, her medical conditions worsened, Subject As family came to a mutual decision that she should stay in the care of her aunt (subject D) her uncle and her older sister (subject B).Soon after her mother flew back, and subject A was getting accustomed to the unshakable pace American life. The validity of her visa card came to an end, and she was now an wicked immigrant. She felt comfortable for all about two to three months, scant(p) by little she started to shut pop up and talked less and started to see pessimistic thoughts about life. Growing up as an illegal immigrant Subject A did not overleap indifferent, notwithstanding because she did not now point she was in. Every amour changed at once she entered high school she di d not curb the practice teenage experience.But as she got older she grew to understand and started to urinate hatred feeling towards her mother for what she called abandoning her and her sister. She grew envious of authorized family members because they growing up with both parents and they were able to go to parks with their dads while she went with her sister or aunt. As other kids were learning how to drive and taking the streets on their own, she was not able to, she had no drivers license and thats when she was seen as the weirdo, both Subject A and B had different responsibilities than just the normal chores.Subject B, while in high school worked because she was given the TPS, but she didnt establish the luxury to spend her pay check on herself, she was to send it to her mother back home in Nicaragua. She was starting to keep back melodic themes of wishing her mom would supply her financially instead of her, as she adage her teenage friends buy the trendiest clothes w hile she used thrift shopped clothing items. Subject B had a different experience than her younger sister besides everything, because she was older and was able to build a mother daughter relationship.In school Subject B would be bullied and sometimes harassed, what she saw as jokes because of her lack of understanding for the English language were actually meant as hurtful remarks, which lead her to be amount insecure about herself and her life. Subject A saw it as betrayal from her mothers side, and she would have wished her mom was in that location to experience her first date, prom and several other high school milstones. Not only that but she was rejected from several colleges and universities because she was an undocumented immigrant.She grew frustrated, because she was brought up into a family that saw education as the only thing the politics or your peers cant take apart from you, so she was always the top of her class, graduating with a 3. 97 GPA. Just to know that all those study halls, remainderless nights, and put down hangouts with her friends were in the end worth nothing. She was not able to qualify for scholarships, as a legal immigrant would be granted with the grades she acquired.Because of her situation she was charged as an international student, when her life was very well seen as the American one. As she saw she had no hopes in enrolling into her aspiration university she entered a technical school, Robert P. Morgan. She was able to study in there for a few months as a blood administrator for a few semesters because of the grants the government would gift certain partnership colleges to help man young adults in Subject As situation. She was later kicked out of the school because of the many budget cuts.Subject A felt as if her hands were tied to her back and she could not do anything to further her future, while she saw her friends and family move on with their lives. Her dreams were shuttered and many doors were unopen in her f ace until they government would pass a bill aiding many illegal young adults in the education aspect of life, which in the 90s it was not even thought of. As a result they both look back on their experience and are thankful for it. They have enceinte from it to become independent.Subject A has now been eligible for a drivers license, id, and work accept because of the Dream Act, thanks to the endless protests and inspiring words of illegal high school and college students along with their teachers, mentors and peers. one time she is done with the lengthened process she leave alone finish school, and hopefully in the near future will open a trade that will give kids a helping hand, if it is only by tolerant them a shoulder to lean on o someone to talk to. As when she was growing up, her community discriminated against aliens.She would like to show them and lead them through different routes other than the one which many teenagers fall into ingesting drugs, theft. Subject B did not have as many struggles as Subject A, she was able to wok a well paying job, and did not have to use public transportation everyday to get to and from work. She is now a single parent at melting school to acquire her masters degree in origin administration, with a six year old attending kindergarten, which she is proud to know she can share her story with when he reaches and understandable age.Both subject and Subject B are strong believers of the idea that even though adults are not granted a legal life in the United States, illegal children should be. Because by denying them a legal status in this country you are shutting down assertable opportunities of them ever having a proper education, a well paying job, and the future they deserve, not only because children are the future for this world but because they do not decide how they are going to live at the age of six. In other cases, parents are the ones who struggle financially and emotionally.Many are willing to appropriat e their families in stable hands to come to the United States go through run intos in dark nights where the only escape seen is the moonlight, just to make sure food is being placed every night and day at the dining table, and that their children have clothes to put on their backs. Many adults face discrimination when it comes to jobs, they are given low recompense because many employers are aware that their employees are desperate for a job. Furthermore they are faced with abuse and harassment, which many are scared of the consequences if they report their employers, so they tolerate the mistreatment.Others go to sleep with regrets, thinking that maybe if they would have waited they could have fix better opportunities, selling illegal drugs at a local corner they would have made it out better. Not only do they face hardships once they have been settles down but also while they are crossing borders, many immigrants running away from patrols during their crossings are beaten wit h batons, fists or even their feet. Others are being tortured in their jail cells by being denied water or food, and many times they are sexually abused by border patrols (immigration opposing viewpoints pg 130-131).Usually the local residents of Arizona and Texas which tend to be Native Americans or anti- immigration citizens do not agree with the felony, but even though they have committed a crime by chasing the American dream they have heard so oftentimes about, in an illegal way because it was their only option since all their other doors have been closed, they should not be treated like animals (immigration opposing viewpoints pg. 130-131). They have not taken a life away from the earth they are only on a search for a better life.Many local residents decide to take matter into their hands and go immigrant hunting as a recreational activity, which consists of gong late at night searching for immigrants crossing the border which they can target with their rifles (immigration opp osing viewpoints pg. 130-131). Many of the patrol officers are thankful for all the help the residents of the area have given them (immigration opposing viewpoints pg. 130-131) Many American citizens tend to see immigration as nothing but a disgrace to this Country.But there are others that strongly disagree. Illegal Immigrants renew the economy by adding an extra 50 billion dollars of federal income taxes to the economy in the years of 1993 to 2003 (procon. org par. 11). A lot of citizens believe that by abolishing and making several laws to remove illegal immigrants out of this country will only make it better, but by several researches it has been screend that it will only make it worse, annually aliens contribute about 625 billion dollars, in sales tax, home rents, and utility payments (scholastic magazine par. 8).Usually the government just brings new technology to replace several problems in society but this is one is irreplaceable. Americans have to big of an ego to do job s like clean toilets, work in construction or combust mines, all the work the call scum work, and these types of jobs are necessary, and illegal immigrants are willing to do it without complaints. Even though there are good amount of aliens that did not obtain doctorate degrees, much less are wealthy, but they do have patience, gratitude and most of all common sense, which gets the work that is looked down upon done.Many media circuits tend to believe that illegal immigrants do nothing but bring down the yield of American citizens, many are yet to be proved right. There are several statistics to prove that this is just false, also as logic and common sense when one gets a hold of something better they will not let go, they will fight for it. Some do receive low wages because they are forced to, but they will not go down without a fight. It might be hard to gain raises for them, but as they have been grown up to believe they will not give up.Sometimes America tends to forget that t o empower their economy they need cheap labor. Not only that, but if you were to be idle all the aliens, there would still be more than 1. 4 million jobs opened, which cannot be left untaken. There are 8. 1 million illegal immigrants and 7. 5 million unemployed Americans (Houston chronicle 2008). Even if they were to build the highest walls, cannot deny that they need them, the market is talking (Houston chronicle 2008). Employers, men of personal business and industry leaders articulate immigrants are not a curse they are a blessing.They are still needed for industrial and commercial development, and credit should be given to them for the art they are compete in American industries. Consequently, they should be able to receive certain benefits and be able to use their gainings freely, even though many American that live in the immigration zone can say otherwise, it is only common sense to have equality (immigration opposing viewpoints pg. 83). The idea of having open borders th roughout the United States scares many, because it may open doors to terrorists and the ones who want to do harm.The rate of illegal immigration is increasing rapidly, which may cause corruption, unless immigrants lapse in touch with the technology and ideas of the government (immigration opposing viewpoints pg. 31). The problem seems to be keeping the premature people out and not letting too many people in (pg. 174), thats when the idea of putting up a wall seems comforting. Immigrants come here to realize the American dream terrorists come to destroy it (pg. 174).Terrorists come from all over the world to cause harm to those living in peace, and because of the sad event that occurred on September 11, it has ruined many opportunities of a bill passing that will legitimize illegal aliens. The best thing to do is to allow immigrants into this country but stronger restrictions should come into play, that way the public assistance status of the country is safe from fraud (pg. 31-41 ). By adding regulations it offers all (immigrants and non-immigrants) a comfortable way of living (pg. 31-41).Because certain events have given immigrants a bad representation, they are not welcomed, and the government thinks they have found a solution to their problem by building a wall keeping all the casteless out. The border would cost about 1. 2 million dollars per mile for it to come to life. The wall will have an annual cycle of 25 years, which will cost anywhere from 1. 64 to 70 million dollars to keep it standing (procon. org little did you know? ). Much of this money will come from taxpayers who include teachers, small business owners, and many employees with low income wages.Money will be taken out from their already invisible paycheck to set up a barrier for people who are trying to give a better life to their family by working. As seen to millions of dollars will be needed to withhold the wall so many people are willing to put up, and these people are known to be big business owners, the ones that are well off, who dont mind to pay for something with that high of the cost but they tend to forget about the ones that are already having a bad time as it is.Opening up the borders, will give an immense boost to the economy in the United States because of tourism, work and visitation, and as a result all the bad effects of illegal immigration will soon go away (Latino Americans and immigration laws 2006). The Idea of the U. S. being a melting pot has worn off and is now to be said it is a mosaic, because many newcomers and Natives prefer to keep their own heritages and to mix them than to give up on their traditions in order to adapt to the normal American one (Latino Americans and immigration laws pg. 12-13).The United States of America has been known to have a foundation and to be a country of immigrants. Most seem to have been taught that the U. S. was first a British colony, when historians strongly disagree and state that it is very clear that Sp anish settlers were the first Europeans to have a colony permanently in North America (pg. 34). Because the United States has been seen as a country of immigrants it is strange to many that there have been several disagreements on whether America should accept foreign natural citizens (immigration opposing viewpoints pg. 69).Immigration from all over the world is what keeps the U. S. rowing, a regular American women has an average of 1. 93 children throughout her whole lf time with a replacement rate of 2. 1. With immigrants the U. S. population in 2050 would be 397 million without it would be 328 million. Without immigration illegal or legal the American population will shrink little by little (pg. 82-83). Denying immigrants contradicts the base this country was founded on as a result we should extend the akin welcome to them as our ancestors extended to us (pg. 139). Illegal immigrants should not be seen as harm to the United States hence it mold society into a multicultural and prosperous country.Due to all the research there should be no doubt that immigration in general, is needed because of the mere fact that it revitalizes out cities, boosts our economy, adds an energizing culture and reinsures our basic values. If one was being persecuted because of basic right like religion and freedom of actors line or equalities one should already have or just to chase the infamous American dream, would you like to be seen as criminal that has committed a felony for something anyone would do if they were to walk a mile in one of the citizens shoes that lives in a underdeveloped country?Several illegal immigrants have devoted their lives to this one country because they have hope for this country and their families, as a result they should be seen and be given equal rights especially those who have not committed any other crime than the one of entering this country illegally.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Bureaucracy and Liberalisation
afterwards independence the newly emerged Indian State was characterized by the dominant role in all the spheres of nightclub. It was a welf atomic number 18 state whose objective was to secure political, social and sparingal justice to all the sections of Indian population. The Westminister specimen of parliamentary democracy with universal adult franchise was adopted. In social field, various evils in the society were sought to be eradicated by the State.Untouchability was abolished and social reforms were undertaken. In the economic sphere, the state not only modulate the market, it also emerged as the major employer providing employment opportunities to the people. India adopted the polity of mixed economy/a compelling public sector was created. For Nehru, the public sector undertakings were the temples of modern India. Their objective was to assist in the rapid economic growth and industrialisation of the country.Over the years their number and investments have grown in size and quantity. While in 1951, there were five central public sector undertakings (PSUs) with an investment of Rs 29 crores, now there are as many as 243 enterprises with a total investment of Rs 1,78,628 crores. The private sector was also to act upon an important role in the mixed economy. However it was highly regulated and controlled economy as farthermost as the private sector was concerned. Rightly it was called the licence-quota permit Raj.However the collapse of socialist political and economic strategy in earstwhile Soviet Union and other socialist states led to the emergence of a global economy which meant introducing competitive markets, liberalising foreign trade and opening up the economy for foreign investment. According to Marina Pinto Liberalisation is the policy of removal of restrictions, trade barriers and protectionist measures to enable the free flow of capital, technology and services. It is generally seen in the context of globalisation and privatizati on. In eighties liberalisation process started taking place in India economy.But the severe foreign trade and fiscal crisis in early 1990s compelled India to take massive loan from IMF and world Bank which as critics layover out, dictated India to liberalise its economy. This was done under the leadership of Dr. Manmohan Singh, the Finance Minister in P. V. Narsimha Rao Government. The New industrial Policy of 1991, stated that Foreign investment and technology collaboration will be welcomed to obtain higher(prenominal) technology, to increase exports and to expand the production base. The Licence-quota permit Raj has been tending(p) a good-bye and the economic system has mostly become competitive.Even in the public sector the nine major public sector undertakings or NavratnasBharat straining Electricals Limited (BHEL), Bharat Petroleum company Limited (BPCL) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL), Indian fossil oil Corporation Limited (IOC), Indian Petrochemicals C orporation Limited (IPCL), National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC), OilNational Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) have been given considerable financial and functional autonomy.The Government was also considering to include more public sector undertakings in this list. However this does not mean that the role of the State would recede and it would only concentrate on the caution of law and order. The state continues to be a welfare state. It will continue to ameliorate the conditions of poor and down-troddens. The economic policies are to be realistic. Jagdish Bhagwati, one of the leading economists says that the first fifty years of independence has been half a century of foolish policies, which cost her (India) growth and hence a significant opportunity to ameliorate poverty. at one time rational policies are to be drafted and implemented with referable regard to monitoring of policies in st ages. This also heart and soul that the generalist administration will either be substituted by the experts or they be given their due place in the administration. The bureaucracy will have to be responsive and transparent and infact the entire serve ethos has to be changed. It also means maximum possible delegation of authority and sufficient decentralized control. in the end it may lead to debureaucratization of the administration.The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment providing for local anaesthetic self government is designed to transfer the developmental functions to the local self government. We may be witness to gradual shrinking of the state and its administrative machinery. But this does not mean that state would recede in the background. It may be a scenario where we have a reoriented, goal-directed accountable and transparent administration as a friend, philosopher and guide. The essential condition for all this is poliucal will, integrity and honesy at higher lev els of politics and de-criminalisation of politics.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Innovative Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Innovative Organisations - demonstrate ExampleBy virtually every measure, Ryanair has managed to develop positive leadership innovation, process innovation and harvest-home/service innovation by creating new business models and business structures designed to bring long-term foster to the business. This report identifies Ryanairs strategies in innovation, an assessment of these innovations, and also a description of how the author of this report could give effectively to the long-term future of Ryanair.Innovation is key to any successful enterprise. There are a wide variety of acceptable definitions of innovation, one of which is the successful creation and launch of a new harvest-feast or service concept which provides significant competitive proceeds to todays firms. Competitive advantage means utilising this new innovative idea or concept and applying it using a grocery store-focused methodology which outperforms competing companies and gains market share in the process. Th is report highlights the activities of Ryanair, the low-frills, usher out airline company, which provide innovation in the airline effort and a stronger business portfolio.Ryanair was established in the 1990s as one of the first no-frills discount airline companies in Europe. The company, with this discount philosophy, has managed to increase its market share against major competitors such as Lufthansa and get off France-KLM (Done, 2009), which is not an easy task to accomplish considering how long these airline companies have been a staple airline carriers in Europe. When the company was first implemented, there did not seem to be a serious consumer command for no-frills services, or perhaps the company simply lacked marketing focus, as the business was riddled with heavy losses and an inability to seize a higher volume of market share than that of its competition (Done). However, today, Ryanair has managed to redevelop its previous business model, making it more adaptive to consumer needs, which is bringing the
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